Two Questions about Super Soil

What up all, I'm running Subs supersoil indoors right now and i'm gearing up to run it in 200 gallon smart pots outdoors this year. I have two questions, and I apologize if they've been covered in the sixty some odd pages about the mix.

1)If kept dry could I combine the Blood meal, Fish Bone Meal and Guano and other powders together for storage. I mix with a concrete mixer and it'd be easier to figure out how much goes with each pot and faster to mix. I was just asking because i didn't know if the powders would react with each other. Anybody know?

2)My second question is where is the Pottasium in the supersoil mix? The soil obviously works wonders but I was under the impression K was pretty important. Maybe its already in the Roots or Castings or something idk. Insight?


Active Member
Roots is a coco based soil. Part of what makes coco unique is the fact that coco itself gives off K naturally. If you ever grow in straight coco with hydro nutrients, you'll find that the plants do way better if you give them less K in the mix. Too much K will lock out N and especially Ca.

Also, if I memory serves, the Roots bag lists kelp meal on the bag as one of the ingredients. Sub's recipe works great as is. I woudn't fuck with it.

Not sure about the dry amendments, bud. Sorry I can't help. Good luck and stay safe.


Active Member
You should look at Kushking42's threads,in this section.He has some monsters growing the BIG superpots.By the look of things it looks like he has it down to a science.Good luck.