What up all, I'm running Subs supersoil indoors right now and i'm gearing up to run it in 200 gallon smart pots outdoors this year. I have two questions, and I apologize if they've been covered in the sixty some odd pages about the mix.
1)If kept dry could I combine the Blood meal, Fish Bone Meal and Guano and other powders together for storage. I mix with a concrete mixer and it'd be easier to figure out how much goes with each pot and faster to mix. I was just asking because i didn't know if the powders would react with each other. Anybody know?
2)My second question is where is the Pottasium in the supersoil mix? The soil obviously works wonders but I was under the impression K was pretty important. Maybe its already in the Roots or Castings or something idk. Insight?
1)If kept dry could I combine the Blood meal, Fish Bone Meal and Guano and other powders together for storage. I mix with a concrete mixer and it'd be easier to figure out how much goes with each pot and faster to mix. I was just asking because i didn't know if the powders would react with each other. Anybody know?
2)My second question is where is the Pottasium in the supersoil mix? The soil obviously works wonders but I was under the impression K was pretty important. Maybe its already in the Roots or Castings or something idk. Insight?