Two questions. Please advise.


My first grow.
I have never grown anything, ever!

Anyway, I got clones from a seasoned grower. I transplanted them in small bags of soil. However, I didnt see roots like I do in the pics from here or from the Bible. I transplanted them, put them in my grow room. Watered them with some veg nutrient additive. They started their cycle of 18hrs at 4am this morning. I am nervous. Here's my questions... :?
Can my plants turn out ok if the roots weren't like the pics Ive seen?
My hps light is up high to get them used to it, so what is a good procedure to lower the light closer to the plants?
(I have a 600w hps in a 5x5 grow room with 6 plants, all about 4in tall).


Well-Known Member
first of all i dont think you need any nutes, if you do keep the doses really low

i dont know, im sure your grower friend cloned them right, so if you dont mess it up the clones will come out OK

a simple test to see how close to keep your light from your plants is the hand test. put the back ov your hand under the light and find the point where its a little warm, but not at all hot. this would be the ideal distance from plant to light