Two Stupid Newbie Questions...


Active Member
1. My seedlings are 7 days old in roots organics greenlite soilless mix, and are growing very fast. All are about 1.5 inches tall and growing. They all have their first sets of true leaves and are growing their second set. Would this be too early to start using a light nutrient solution, or should I maybe wait until growth slows?

2. I have 8 seedlings and only room to fully vegetate and flower 4 females. I understand the concept that cannabis shows its sex once flowering is induced, but i'm limited in space so I can't vegetate all 8 plants until flowering. Do I have any options, or will I just be forced to vegetate very small plants?

All answers are highly appreciated!


Active Member
You start using Nutrients when your plant's first leaves when it first sprouted, the round ones, start to yellow out and die. Thats a sign that the plant has used all of its stored nutrients from those leaves.

You can try some training if your limited on space:)

Living The Dream

New Member
in the beginning you can feed them a light 100-150ppm of a simple 1-1-1 nute like Clonex Cloning Solution (not the gel) or Thrive Alive B-1. You don't want to start veg nutes till they have 3-4 sets of true leaves. i usually start my veg nutes at 300ppm.

if you can only flower 4 at one time then put then you are kinda stuck. i would but 4 into flower and wait for them to sex. if a few turn out to be males then take them out and replace them with new plants from veg. means you'll have to mix different nutes but it's the only option for now. then in the future by feminized seeds or grow a female mom and take clones from her.


Well-Known Member
Well you could just do what I do...around 2 or 3 weeks flip to flower, and once the plants show sex kill the males and move the females back to veg...or leave one to get a head start, and then move the others back to veg to get bigger..that way you don't waste too much time and energy on plants that won't do too much for you...


Active Member
1. My seedlings are 7 days old in roots organics greenlite soilless mix, and are growing very fast. All are about 1.5 inches tall and growing. They all have their first sets of true leaves and are growing their second set. Would this be too early to start using a light nutrient solution, or should I maybe wait until growth slows?

2. I have 8 seedlings and only room to fully vegetate and flower 4 females. I understand the concept that cannabis shows its sex once flowering is induced, but i'm limited in space so I can't vegetate all 8 plants until flowering. Do I have any options, or will I just be forced to vegetate very small plants?

All answers are highly appreciated!
Marijuana shows sex when sexually mature at about 6 weeks veg when you put into flower at a small size it will just keep vegging anyway until its mature sexually.if you are going to grow in soil no feed is necessary as you pot up in stages there is enough food in the soil ,you will start feeding when your plant has used all the nutrients in the final pot stage.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for the quick replies! One more question: Is it possible to clone for sex once the plants are a little larger and in the vegetative state (say maybe 2 weeks), or would they still be too fragile to take clones from at that point?


Well-Known Member
The stupidest question is the one u fail to ask. Knowledge and the p ursuit of itare necissary for progression

Living The Dream

New Member
Thanks a lot for the quick replies! One more question: Is it possible to clone for sex once the plants are a little larger and in the vegetative state (say maybe 2 weeks), or would they still be too fragile to take clones from at that point?
yes, you can clone for sex but you need the plants to be larger so they provide a healthy clone. you want to pull 2-3 clones off each plant so that you guarantee that you at least get 1 from each plant to survive the cloning process. root them in small pots and witch them to flower as soon as they are developed. you will be able to fit more in flower this way.


Active Member
Thanks again everyone, i'm not sure how i'm going to sex the plants to determine which 4 to keep yet, but at the rate they're growing its a decision i'll be making soon enough. I think feminized seeds will be a better option for me from now on until I have separate veg and flower rooms. I also read somewhere that female plants stagger their nodes whereas males do not. I'll be looking at this as my plants grow, but does anyone with more experience have anything to say about that?

Living The Dream

New Member
i've never heard that about the nodes before. sexing plants is easy. there are a ton of tutorials with pics to help you. google them or look around the site. once you see it once you'll know. you can always post ics here and people will help you. good luck.