Two tents, plant on the move, concerns with lighting and plant confusion


Active Member
I have two tents going. The primary is in fruit stage, the 2nd smaller tent is for seedlings and start of veg.
I ran into a snag. The 2nd tent is overflowing because I didn't time it right and the plants have outgrown the space available.
Is it problematic to bring some of the plants in the 2nd tent to the 1st (just while its lights are on) even if the lighting is different? I move the plants back to the overgrown tent for just a few hours and at night.

My 2nd tent is using a low power LED, the 1st tent has a VERY strong LED that was produced by KIND LED that uses UV and regular lighting.
The plant I temporarily move there is small and at least 3 feet from the LED in the 1st tent, but I wonder about the effects of going back and forth between tents and different lighting, different effects and the UV as well.
I only plan to do this for another week too once I harvest tent #1.

I could buy a THIRD tent, but that seems wasteful. Thoughts?
It's a sin to kill a plant. Get another tent going. Move quickly.
I've separated my babies from the 2nd tent and constructed a make shift grow spot in a corner of my basement as a "third" tent.
No walls or reflective materials, but plenty of light from the top where I hung a LED from a chain off the ceiling.
It seems to like it, and its short term so I think it will be just fine.
Thanks for the suggestion!