Two tents, two many filters and how to setup?


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU.

I'm having some trouble with this design.

First of all:
- I want my room to be always closed and to use the wall that goes to the outside to have air exchange in the room where the tents will be. I mean, exchange between outdoors and the room.
- I have and inline 4" fan and a 6" double exhaust fan. I mean, it's like a "T".
- Both the 6" exhaust fan and it's filter are pretty big, oversized for a tent. I guess it can give me some options regarding ducting length and so.

I understand how the design would be without the tents, but adding them adds a piece to the puzzle i am having a hard time dealing with.
I've seen a few design were air intake goes from one tent to the other one.

Based on that, i got to this design.
- I guess that as long as i have negative pressure on both tents, the air flow circuit is doing it's thing.
- Should i be worried about the air quality going to tent 2 after flowing trough tent 1?
- I don't know if the carbon filter for the hoods is needed, but i guess it's ok to prevent dust in that circuit.

What do you guys think about it?room.png
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