Two Tone Leaves??? (w/pics)


Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me lol, but I have bad eyes >.<
I think I can see what he's referring to; and i'm not too knowledgable regarding deficiencies, but in my honest opinion, she looks very pretty with the range of green colors on her; I bet it's a deficiency of some sort, but it sure is beautiful, and doesn't seem too threatening, but the most I could offer is a thread bump, good luck to you good sire!


Active Member
the ph is 6.0 but i dont think the ph has anything to do with it because i have a plant in the same system right next to it and it has no weird colors.
and i dont have a res. thermometer but the room temp is 80 with a fan blowing.

i have this stuff called magical is mag. iron and cal. mix
would this help it?



Active Member
i have this stuff called magical is mag. iron and cal. mix
would this help it?
It might help but magical is more heavily weighted towards the magnesium and calcium and is very low in iron. However your plant looks like it may be a Calcium def. so id say use a low dosage of magical and see how she looks.


Active Member

I'm fresh here but i've grown b4...atm I have 1 plant with the same "problem". At first it didnt look "threatened" by it, but now when its 5 weeks it has had magnesium deficiency, twisted new growth, leaves cupping/curling under(new growth), biig fanleaves w up to 11 "arms" and some w only 7, rosetting and lime green new growth, stunted since bout 1 week but overall look healthy;-)

This is what i made of it...the magnesium deficiency was due to too low PH in the soil + mb too much calcium in the water making magnesium lock out. Run-off water was 6.0. I sprayed it w water mixed w some epsom salt...(remember to check PH after adding Epsom, it has a PH between 5,5-6,5) ph 6.8...sure enough after 3-5 days the white leaf tips gotten darker green again and younger leaves had gone compleetely back to normal. At this time they are 3-4 weeks. Now i started using nutes (3 weeks) which is said to have a soil activator and ph corrector....only after 2 waterings the leaves started i figured due to the low PH in the soil they got nute lock out for some and by that too much of others? At this point i decided to flush them...i flushed them both w like 20-25litres each, pots are 8litres. This to "start over" + if possible by flushing them w PH 7 water raise the PH in the soil? Day after i see both plants "rosetting" and curling/cupping under + leaves by that looking long and thin/straight + turning lime green from the base in top shoots and new groth. After not drying up properly from the flush after 2-3 days I decided to pick them up from their pots to have a look at their roots. To my amazement the pot was overfull of roots and the soil had become very compact therefore not drying properly, but roots looked amazing and healthy. I planted them both in new pots 1 in a 12litres and the other in a 16litres (was what I had) with the same soil but this time i added bonemeal to raise the PH. I made the bone meal very fine graded from a cows leg:lol: and mixed w the new soil + I sprinkled some around on top where the old soil n roots are under, to be watered down, Ive also done this w 2 younger plants that started showing same sympton allready at 2weeks to raise the PH in their soil.
NOW after only 6 hours of transplant in the "new" soil the lime green from the base in newer leaves turning darker, not curling under as much and the rosetting has begun to "straighten" out. The twisting in leaves started straightening out allready after flushing...but after flushing it started to cup under and turning lime green. Twisting stopped after flush...nute lock ups and salt build ups gone?! Rosseting + cupping under, turning lime green started cuz they suddenly got hold of nutrients they hadnt b4 + roots got overfed w water:sleep:. WHy they are turning better i think is due to the transplant in soil w higher PH + more space for roots to dry up in and grow.
Why im writing all this b4 i answer why i think its patchyness in ur leaves is because by the look of it u might go through same stuff I did so U know whats happening.

It hasnt affected all leaves right? Some are still plain overall green? Mine looks like that and i think its due to PH fluctuation in the soil + an overall too low PH making the take up of nutrients off balance. Hope this have helped ya understanding whats happening to ya...but the coloraation itself i dont think is harmfull, just a sign somethings this case PH?! :bigjoint:
