U.F.O. Light?


Active Member
´LED lights are currently being used by NASA for growing plants in outer space!´
so what? are they growing BC.bud on the moon?

well.... if its true what they advertize we probably get the intention to use them. but i doubt the claims. some time ago i asked here a question about led lights, but either there are not many people who have experience with them or nobody with experience has the urge to share about it.

so..i am interested in a experience based story abouth these lights.

my question would be: take one 90 W LED light-system (like in the link of Scranny) and compare it with a HPS of 400 W. What does the LED-system produce, relatively speaking, is it 40% of the yield of a HPS400 or 70? or ....
and what aboiut the quality of the produced buds, compared to HPS.

please tell us.


Well-Known Member
seen them used a million times and they blow. the grow shop i go to had one over 4 plants and ya the plants lived sort off but the growth was stunted and slow.
the ufo guy came to get his light and purchased a 1000 watt hps.
so much for backing your own product.

my favorite is people who insist they work then post a UFO and a bunch of cfl's lit up around the plants.

seriously the led thing is not ready for prime time.
they are a complete waste of time.
save your money and get a digital so you can use hps and mh


Well-Known Member
ive checked the shit out but i never bought it... if i could hear some props about it then i might check it out again


Well-Known Member
bro you wont hear any props from anyone about ufos
or any other led light.
if they do i would suspect them right off.
do not waste your money at least not at this point.
they are not ready for prime time.


Well-Known Member
I've read multiple threads where people do full grows with these and get good results. Just use the search button. I know a lot of people on icmag.com use them. Listen to the people that have used them :D


Well-Known Member
I've read multiple threads where people do full grows with these and get good results. Just use the search button. I know a lot of people on icmag.com use them. Listen to the people that have used them :D
what i love most about every single one of the people who claim they work?
they either show nothing. or they show a ufo with a buttload of extra lighting like cfls or something else. never a 100% led

if anyone has a full grow using these or nice flowered buds please post i would love to see it.


Well-Known Member
UFO's and L.E.D. lighting is supposed to be used as supplemental light. I forgot what forum it was on but someone did a side by side grow with an HPS vs. LED. The LED was winning in growth but slowed down during flower. A little less yield and a bit more stretched out. With a UFO and HPS combined, you'd have one killer plant!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
theres just no need to supplement hps lighting with leds , the hps just dosent need it and it would be a complete waste of money and energy , if your gonna supplement a hps light you would use more hps light or maybe decent cfls ,


Well-Known Member
^+1 Besides, wouldn't the HPS light throw off the color of the light seen by the plant in such a manner that the whole "perfect photon wavelength" theory would be voided?


Well-Known Member
No because the UFO light uses CREE L.E.D.'s which are very bright and have a strong penetration. L.E.D.'s aren't meant to overrule the HPS light but in fact be a cheaper alternative. LED's give off virtually no heat which means no crazy fans and use up almost no power. On the other hand, you will see your electricity bill jump once your using your HPS. Its just more efficent.

The HPS delivers heavier nugs, no doubt. But the (good) LED's are right behind it, the technology is there, just give it some time and im sure they will be neck and neck with the HPS systems.

My buddys grow room has 2 1000w HPS lights and about 4 LED panels. 2 on each side. Good supplimerntal light witht he perfect mix of red and blue spectrum. If he were to use more HPS for supplemental lighting, he would have one hell of a hott grow room, not to mention a steeping electricity bill...

The arguments are endless, just search "LED grow" in the search and you will find what you want to see.


ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
its just not worth it , your gonna gain a few gramms at the most ,allthough leds are cheap to run ...a decent led panel is still gonna cost you to run it , YES you may be able to get the PERFECT mix of red and blue light but its not gonna add ounces to your harvest it may or may not add gramms . hps is growing big hard buds without the need of any supplement lighting , so really is it worth using led as a suplement ? a DECENT led set up is expensive to buy ,is it gonna give you a big yeild increase? i say NO.


Well-Known Member
UFO's and L.E.D. lighting is supposed to be used as supplemental light. I forgot what forum it was on but someone did a side by side grow with an HPS vs. LED. The LED was winning in growth but slowed down during flower. A little less yield and a bit more stretched out. With a UFO and HPS combined, you'd have one killer plant!
ya see this is what i am talking about.
look ufo is big bucks
it is what is known as a waste of time the shit is due to the hps.
dont get it twisted

you want buds? HPS
1000 watts
you can do less but hps none the less.
why the fuck would i spend 600 for a led that has to be backed up with an hps?

i get killer shit with an hps now you cant show me one example of a better yield with a 600 buck ufo

when leds get to the level that they are worth a shit we will all know and switch but the time is not now.


Well-Known Member
Thats why im ordering my HPS tomorrow :D Im simply just saying thats what they are used for. Its the truth!