So basically today I vaped thc oil for the first time ever and on my way to feeling high, I felt all the normal things I think like feeling a buzz and then a bit nervous then all of a sudden BANG!!!! I felt an overwheln of euphoria and I've never felt so good! In fact, I had a boner cause it felt sooo good :/ anyway after about 10 mins, I started to feel like a comedown and feel a little depressed so i kept smoking to get the euphoria back but it didn't and I had a mini panick attack telling my dad I thought I was gonna die. Andyway I still continued to smoke and I eventually couldn't move and was sick everywhere, I couldn't move and my head was spinning at 1million mphs. Anyway I'm mainly wondering why I didn't have that crazy good euphoria for a longer time and why I couldn't get high even tho I was smoking for a couple of hours on my vape ;/ can anyone help a newbie