UFO LED Question.


Due to heat issues, I am about to use LED's in my green room.

I have 5 Auto NL babies and would like to know how high should the UFO be
from the cups. I was thinking about 4 feet above for the first few days, but was
wondering what you guys think.

I had to take down my 400W main lights due to the room constantly being
around 105 degrees.

I also have a 100W main light, 3 90W UFO's and several cheap panels for side lighting.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, especially in regards to the treatment of the
babies, it is the first autoflower I have tried.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
With lower wattage leds, especially ufos, you can generally get pretty close. Start off around 18-24 and lower it to yours.and the plants liking. Just a guess, but you csn probably be closer to a foot.


Thanks for the reply, the UFO's are the cheaper 90W versions, but I was kind of scared I would fry the babies, I have them under a CFL
now the get them to green up. I put one of them in my flower room and all the plants started trying to lean toward them away for the 400W
HPS lights.