Uhh help?


Well-Known Member
Kay so, I've very new to growing, uhh....
I water my plants when I can feel that the dirt is dry, They're just Seedlings I believe I call em.

But it's like my two plants are growing 2 or 3 sets of new leaves...I don't understand, is this normal? Or not?

Im sorry about the crappy pictures...Sorry i can't provide anything better.

But by the pictures you can see the two new sets, but UNDER those is ANOTHER set.
So im confused as to what to do. Should I just go buy a grow bible, or are they even dependable?


Active Member
Haha, some plants are just mutants. It should work out in the end, get a better camera and set up yourself a little grow journal on here. Good luck! :)


Well-Known Member
I made a grow journal, but everytime I create a forum no one seems to reply.

An whoa bra, I wasn't trying to be paranoid, I just don't know anything about growing man.
And I know I got the site, but it seems every has a couple of grand to spend for growing.
I only have seeds and a light.


Active Member
I have had problems with getting answers too. Until I realized, you need to make your questions as clear as you can. Like Blackflag said, some plants are weird looking. There are so many variations of any one strain, every plant will look different. Water when the soil is dry, make sure that your soil isn't hard like a rock. It needs to be kinda loose so water can find its way through to the roots more efficiently. If you have nutrients, great. Do NOT use them yet. Plain tap water will have enough trace elements to feed the plant. When your plants seem to slow down in growth or show you different leaf colors, it will be either from over watering or that your plant is HUNGRY.
Important question, What type or kind of soil are you using?


Active Member
I made a grow journal, but everytime I create a forum no one seems to reply.

An whoa bra, I wasn't trying to be paranoid, I just don't know anything about growing man.
And I know I got the site, but it seems every has a couple of grand to spend for growing.
I only have seeds and a light.
If no one replies, reply with your own updates. Lots of people just read the entire thing, they like to read them and stay up on them, just some don't reply. I've done that many times.

I created a journal, and when people didn't reply I'd just keep talking about what I was doing etc. People would chime in every once in awhile about what I said. Go ahead and try it ;)


Well-Known Member
yea dood they r right. we will talk eventually, babies just arnt that interesting too, wait it out.

we R here fer all, right?

JUST DONT FORGET, subsrcibe to ur journal, i didnt and lost it! hahaa


Well-Known Member
All right allright.

Uhh, to Amsterdamfarms, I honestly don't know what kind of soil they're growing in. My ma has a greenthumb, and moved away and left me shit loads of plant dirt, and pots, so I thought i'd just do an experiment, they haven't reacted BAD to the dirt. IMO atleast.

Yea, haha, I subscrided to my journal.

But yea, just plain Tap water so far, and the 400W HPS.
No ventilation, or cooling.
I'd say it's about 20-25C in my closet.
On 18/6 of course.


Well-Known Member
All right allright.

Uhh, to Amsterdamfarms, I honestly don't know what kind of soil they're growing in. My ma has a greenthumb, and moved away and left me shit loads of plant dirt, and pots, so I thought i'd just do an experiment, they haven't reacted BAD to the dirt. IMO atleast.

Yea, haha, I subscrided to my journal.

But yea, just plain Tap water so far, and the 400W HPS.
No ventilation, or cooling.
I'd say it's about 20-25C in my closet.
On 18/6 of course.

MAKE sure u declorinate ur tap water by letting it sit out fer at least 24 hours...OPEN TOO


Well-Known Member
those pictures are blury, but the plants look normal. just let them do their thing. try to keep the humidity around 60%. looks like you are keeping the plants alive, so unless you start getting spots on the leaves or something like that, than you're fine. just relax and you will be alright. as for buying a grow book, it couldnt hurt... but there are plenty of people here on rollitup that can lend their advice on just about anything you would ever need to know. so its up to you brother. remember, your first grow is really just a learning expierance. you will learn a lot, and you can always start over no problem! good job and good luck!