tip top toker
Well-Known Member
Yeah, fuck you
a non-american political thread. This seems to be a rare occurence 
Anways, are you UK dwelling folk all up and ready to hand over all details of your life to the USA governemnt?
I'm certianly not! I say a big FUCK THAT! And yet they are trying to force us under pain of law, aka £1000 or hell, i wonder if they'd imprisson me for not filling out the census, but yes, by pain of "law", they require you to hand over your details to the US government. Go Patriot act Go Go Go Go Go!
Fuck this shit!

Anways, are you UK dwelling folk all up and ready to hand over all details of your life to the USA governemnt?
I'm certianly not! I say a big FUCK THAT! And yet they are trying to force us under pain of law, aka £1000 or hell, i wonder if they'd imprisson me for not filling out the census, but yes, by pain of "law", they require you to hand over your details to the US government. Go Patriot act Go Go Go Go Go!
Fuck this shit!