Uk E-petition VOTE NOW


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing how well our friends across the pond are doing advancing the legalisation of Cannabis and can only look on in envy.:-(

It's time for UK stoners to put down their bongs for five minutes and go to:

The number of votes that Cannabis petitions receive is truly dire, the one above has only 44 signatures and the "top" one (legalise cultivation for personal use) has a poxy 327 votes.

Are we going to have another 80 years of persecution, or are you going to do your best to get everyone you know with an email address to sign them?

The ball's in your court...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Bump for low view count, ten in seven hours? No wonder the petitions get no signatures!

I can only assume my fellow countrymen enjoy persecution...:wall:


Well-Known Member
my radar must be royaly fucked coz its configured to pick out stuff like this!
Hope to be seeing everyone down at the protest ( fingers crossed i can get down that is) if not certainly be getting stuff put together for north of the border.
As usual the goverment can feel MORE than free to let scotland trial run this aswell , only fair when we get stung with everything else . . .
ill sign and spread that round man ,
BIG cheers



Well-Known Member
just been on the site tho , you notice how many different little twits to the same idea are there in many seperate petitions . . just need 1 big yin coz 50 signatures on 10+ is easier to ignore than 500+ on the 1 , maybe its my experience with the farse of a goverment we have that has me feeling this was intentional . .


Well-Known Member
60,000 people want the right to be deafened in nightclubs, less than 60 want to free the weed WTF? AAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
Damn and I was upset with our numbers on and Man I feel for you guys.

Could it be that more UK potheads are on other web sites dedicated to growing more than on this one?


Well-Known Member
cannabis - epetition response

3 December 2007
We received a petition asking:
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to remove cannabis and cannabis products from the Misuse of Drugs Act and associated laws."
Details of Petition:
"This is a petition to remove cannabis (marijuana) from prohibition laws and thus enable consumer protection."
Read the Government’s response

The Government has no intention of legalising cannabis. In response to the Home Affairs Committee report on The Government’s Drugs Policy: Is It Working? in 2002, it stated that "We do not accept that legalisation and regulation is now, or will be in the future, an acceptable response to the presence of drugs" and that includes cannabis.
The Government considers that cannabis is a controlled, illicit drug for good reasons. It has a number of acute and chronic health effects and prolonged use can induce dependence. Most cannabis is smoked and smoking, in any form, is dangerous. Even the occasional use of cannabis can pose significant dangers for people with mental health problems, such as schizophrenia, and particular efforts need to be made to encourage abstinence in such individuals.
Legalising cannabis would run counter to this country’s international obligations as a signatory to the relevant United Nations Conventions on drugs and there is no prospect of unilateral action.
Legalisation would also run counter to the Government’s health and education messages. The message to all - and to young people in particular - is that all controlled drugs, including cannabis, are harmful and no one should take them. To legalise the possession of cannabis for personal consumption would send the wrong message to the majority of young people who do not take drugs on a regular basis, if at all, with the potential risk of increased drug use and abuse.
The Government’s objective is to reduce the use of all illegal drugs - including cannabis - substantially, not to encourage increased consumption due to more ready access to increased supply. While our drugs laws cannot be expected to eliminate drug use, there is no doubt that they do help to limit use and deter experimentation.
The Prime Minister announced on 18 July that, as part of the consultation to review its drug strategy, the Government will also consider whether it is now right that cannabis should be moved from Class C back to Class B under the Misuse of Drugs Act.
There is real public concern about the potential mental health effects of cannabis use and, in particular, the use and availability of increased strengths of the drug, commonly known as skunk. In these circumstances, the Government is considering whether it is necessary to toughen the penalties relating to cannabis possession to complement its education and treatment programmes.
The Home Secretary has therefore asked the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, which advises the Government on drug issues, to again assess the medical and social scientific basis of the classification of cannabis. This review will take into account the fact that there are stronger forms of cannabis that may cause more harm.
The Government will consider carefully the Advisory Council’s findings, expected next spring, before making a final decision that will be consistent with its aim of reducing the harm caused by drugs.
OK, I looked a bit more and now see how pointless this is, read it and weep...I hope Gordon Brown and his entire family gets an untreatable form of cancer!


Well-Known Member
I don't know where they are but they ain't voting! (not that it'd make a difference to this government!) What rubs salt in the wound is the crap that tens of thousands of people are putting their name to!:wall:


Well-Known Member
its a shambles mate - if the uk carries on like this we will all fuck off and leave it to the migrants ( sound like a right biggot eh ) but if medical euros can legally do it WHAT THEE ACTUAL FUCK!?
i say we all need to start grows in not just our own gardens but any and everywhere we can, maybe once half the population is locked up they will hav a headscratch and rethink things.
i was consideringa different angle ad campaign to that would go a little something like this ;

If u dont smoke it

nor know anyone suffering and finding it as thier only escape

and dont even hav the empathy to feel that maybe just maybe its not as bad as its made out and it could help

ur probably the exact kind of greedy fucker that would love petol for 10p a litre

the only way this could ever happen is with hemp biodeisel!


Well-Known Member
Those that can are already going...something like 250,000-500,000 Brits (Am I allowed to say that or is it "racist"?) every year are leaving for good and being replaced with foreigners!

Nothing bigoted about wanting to keep your national identity especially when it stretches back a few thousand years! I don't mind immigrants who come here to work and be British, I do have a problem when they come here and set up their own community's where they want life to be like it was in their home country e.g. Southall (a.k.a Little India) and Golders Green (Little Israel).
This country's got too many Sheeple to ever make a stand over anything, as long as they've got a roof, a job and a fridge full of booze it's a case of "I'm alright Jack" and fuck everyone else!

What makes me laugh about government "policy" on drugs is that they say "It would send the wrong message" WTF I thought laws were about right and wrong not a tool to get your point across! And if what they say is true,(is it fuck!) why do they spend millions on anti-tobacco advertising whilst fags are still legal? And where are the health warnings on alchohol!?

I like your ad campaign idea but 10p a litre? No chance! If you run your diesel on used cooking oil you're supposed to pay twenty-odd p(27?) in tax on each litre! The cheapest fuel could be without reducing tax would be about 35-40p (still WAAAY better than a quid!).