uk electric company notice light cycles ?


Well-Known Member

I wanted to grow my auto's under a 18/6 lightcycle due to stealth issues and i was wondering if my electric company will notice the constant on/off, and if it would be a issue ?

Im using a mars300w led light, carbon filter, intake fan ... so not too much draining the electric but its nice to know the details.

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member

I wanted to grow my auto's under a 18/6 lightcycle due to stealth issues and i was wondering if my electric company will notice the constant on/off, and if it would be a issue ?

Im using a mars300w led light, carbon filter, intake fan ... so not too much draining the electric but its nice to know the details.

Thanks :)
no you got no worries with the electric company's in the UK using what you are using, just pay your bill, dont steal electric thats a big no no.

ive known many people use 3/4 600w hps lights,big fans n filters n whatnot in small property's for many a yr and never had no problems with the electric.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member

I wanted to grow my auto's under a 18/6 lightcycle due to stealth issues and i was wondering if my electric company will notice the constant on/off, and if it would be a issue ?

Im using a mars300w led light, carbon filter, intake fan ... so not too much draining the electric but its nice to know the details.

Thanks :)
Since you are UK based you might want to ask the guys in the UK Growers thread this question. They are here:


Well-Known Member

A decent PC uses 500w, gaming machine is 1.2 - 1.5 kW per hr. Geek like me 3 kW in PC alone.

However not hard to chart power surges and associate a pattern of use and times.
Digital ballasts put out huge (huge) bubble of EFI that the cable company will hunt you down for first. Also could have some ham radio dude banging on the door beaching about his gear can't talk to aliens or some sheet.

LED is more power surge and time issue.

