UK Grow | Northern Lights |


Well-Known Member
Honestly, they look small for 5 weeks veg, but that's pure speculation with no details given about your grow. Please take pics without the led on to get better help.

Is that's sage on the bottom?


Well-Known Member
you have some nice side arms developing under the leaf you could take a couple of leaves off here and there to bring them on, or trim the ends of the leaf of to expose them


Well-Known Member
Don't defoliate plants this young, it's just counterproductive! Doubly so if your going lst or using another training method.


Well-Known Member
Looks like nice tight indica Dom ,
Shite light though , but guess ya have to use what ya got .
I have 600w dimma for sale


Well-Known Member
I am of differing opinions on best method for growth. Keep her taken care of and you'll be addicted. Rugged plants. Strongly suggest some opening up of the lower portions. And watch out for the stretch. Fairly long on the few in my book. About 20. LOL.
