UK growers, bug & pest strips etc - can you reccomend some ?


Well-Known Member
guys, i need to open my tent doors during lights on as temps will rocket over 100 if i dont. i've bought some black net curtain fixed it to the outside of the tent, sliced a strip up the middle and have a rather large fan inbetween blowing cool air into the tent and have the net curtain fixed to the fan on both sides so minimal creepy crawlies and bugs can get in........however, some are definately getting in and i wouldnt mind some suggestions for bug strips that will attract these little fuckers and kill them?

i've put some sand over the tops of the soil to make the moist soil seem unappealing and have 2 fans blowing air around, but could do with having another way of making sure any bugs / mites etc that do get in get drawn to something inside the tent and die there....any ideas folks???


Well-Known Member
I have a grow tent and very rarely get any probs with bugs & pests.. Try putting some of those sticky fly traps on the inside & outside of your grow tent.. You can get them on ebay for peanuts

Also, Can you not fit a inline fan to your tent outlet at the top of the inside to suck out the hot air?


Well-Known Member
im exhausting the hot air via the carbon filter --> ruck fan---->out the top of the tent. also drawing air in via the bottom air vents, and have put some net curtain across them to stop bugs and insects from getting pulled in, or just walking in lol
im growing in a harsh environment, the room the tent is in can go from 30/35 in winter to 110 in summer so its a constant battle and i can see insects being the next fight

anyone alse have anything to add on insect strips or another idea for extra precaution?


Active Member
Hey Schmoker, check out the sticky traps from Charlies Hydro on ebay....

I have just purchased some neem oil from ebay and have started my course after seeing a spidermite, already completely clean.

COYS ;-)


Well-Known Member
nice one lads, appreciate the suggestions !
wish i could have a different room mate, but i cant and im not buying sprayed muck anymore
