UK Growers! How Much Light Are You Running?


So to all UK growers how many watts of hps/mh light are you running and how long have you been running it without problems?



Well-Known Member
i run about 80,000w hps on 2-3 plants... i generally get 42 pounds of frosty shit every 4 days now.... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


Well-Known Member
I run a single 400w setup and it runs me around £45 extra per month which includes fans and a dehumidifier whenever it kicks on.

My household elec and gas bill is £160 a month. Without growing its £115.

I got busted last year but not for electrical usage.

It was loose lips that got me stung.



LOL cloudiology...

400w hmm! i am thinking my plan to run 3 x 600w hps lamps in a single upstairs room might be to much of a risk :-? anyone running 1000w + in the UK currently without problems? because i doubt i can get 2 x 600w light to cover 3 separate 2.5 x 6 scrogs? think im going to need atleast 3 x 600w lights!


Well-Known Member
A 600w has a footprint at maximum of 4x4. By using 2.5ft instead of 4ft doesn't mean you can extend the other dimension to suit your needs.

So a 2.5x6 screen would actually require 2x600w to adaquately cover it. Realistically though it would take 2x400w to cover it.

There are plenty of people running over 1000w in the UK. The difference is that I'm a personal grower not a seller.

For each of your 600w lights using SCROG you should ideally use a 3.5ftx3.5ft SCROG screen. Not 2.5x6.



Cheers for the advice Jondamon, so lets say i do go with 2 400w or even 2 600w lights per 6 x 2.5 scrog how long should i be expecting to veg? to fill the 2.5 x 6 screen? lets say 18-20 plants are used for one 2.5 x 6 scrog. The plants would be grown from seed so im looking for a vague estimation of how long it would take? weeks? months? ect all from seed.



Well-Known Member
I run 3 kw flower and 600 w mh veg plus 8 bar t 5, then I have AC at 900w, ooooh yeah I also have 5 fans running an air shear....sooooo about 5 the uk....any questions...?


Well-Known Member
SCROG should be fewer plants with longer veg time.

The idea behind SCROG is to tuck and bend during veg to fill each square of your screen.

Once 75% of the screen is full you switch to flowering and continue to fill up the remaining squares.

After stretch clean anything under the screen.



Im just curious though how much time would we be talking? because if its going to be a long time e.g 2 months then i just wont go with scrog as its not worth it for me if it takes longer than a month or so to fill the screen to 75%.

Guess im more looking at a SOG using more plants basically to speed up the time it takes to fill the screen so im thinking 15-20 plants for each SCROG or SOG. Could someone please give me a estimation of how long it would take for 20 plants to fill a 2.5 x 6 SCROG screen?

From the experience with my last grow im thinking it would take 2-3? months to properly fill a large scrog like that, i vegged for atleast 2 months last time and the plants after 2 months from seed didn't look half big enough to remotely fill a screen!

Thanks for the replies they are appreciated :)

SCROG should be fewer plants with longer veg time.

The idea behind SCROG is to tuck and bend during veg to fill each square of your screen.

Once 75% of the screen is full you switch to flowering and continue to fill up the remaining squares.

After stretch clean anything under the screen.



Well-Known Member
20 plants would fill a SCROG that size in about 3-4 weeks.


Going from seed with only 3-4weeks veg they are gonna stretch like a mother fucker and you'll be wishing you didn't put the screen in place.

My opinion.

Use your 3x600w with a footprint of 3.5x3.5 per 600w and put 4-6 plants under each light. Veg for 4-5weeks with a little plant training eg LST top or FIM. 2-4oz a plant is a pretty easy target to obtain.

I get 4oz a plant with 4 plants under 400w.
