Ulcerative colitis


New Member
Hello members, Im looking for some guidance.My daughter has Ulcerative Colitis, she 21 and a single mother, and this disease has no cure, and is a challenging disease.
What strain is suggested and how many grams would be needed. My first grow is currently an Indica strain, not sure what version and looking to help my daughter with the abdominal pain and to keep the inflamation down. she is currently on prescription drugs and the side affects are horrible, headaches,sweats,and huge weight gain, water.
Any info appreciated


New Member
I was also diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis just before my 21st birthday and had moderate to severe pan colitis throughout my entire colon for over 12 years up until two years ago, just before I turned 33. Side effects from Prednisone were pretty bad sometimes, especially problems calming down so I could sleep. Two days before I was scheduled to have surgery to remove my entire large intestine (full colostomy with restorative Illeoanal reservoir) I discovered that fecal transplants had been successfully used to treatment-resistant UC. I tried to find doctors willing to perform the procedure, however it was almost impossible to find a doctor in the U.S. willing to do it for UC, so I ended up doing them at home. Ultimately I was successfully with a full remission of symptoms about 6 - 7 weeks after I started the fecal transplants when I added the drugs Bupropion and Silenor to Apriso and mesalamine suppositories, while starting to rapidly taper off of Prednisone. Fourteen weeks after I had started a colonoscopy revealed significant, patchy healing throughout my large intestine while I still had an absence of symptoms. Within two more months I had finished tapering off all Colitis medications and I am free of this illness. I go into more detail about my story on my website http://www.FecalTransplant.org

As for using Marijuanna to treat Ulcerative Colitis or the side effects of drugs like Prednisone, I never used it on a regular basis myself, however Years ago I dated a woman who worked for NORML at the time who used Marijuanna to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS.) I definitely think it could help and I don't think one strain would make much of a difference from another, as long as it has THC and you like the variety you are consuming. I think it could definitely help calm the gut and ease side effects similar to the ways that some anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs do. I personally found Silenor (a low dose of the anti-depressant Doxepin) to be helpful for calming the gut and Valerian root extract to be at least as effective if not more so for calming muscle spasms associated with diarrhea. However Marijuanna might be just as helpful if you prefer that instead, and may cause less drowsiness depending on the strain. I believe that calming muscle spasms and controlling diarrhea helped the new bacteria become established and aided in the creation of a better balance of bacteria in the colon. I think calming the gut also helps the body heal tissue which has been damaged by inflammation and ulceration. However until you address the root cause of the problem, which I believe is some sort of imbalance of bacteria in the gut, then any drugs including weed are only going to help symptoms while you are actively consuming them rather than provide a permanent solution.

My only regret with my illness was that I didn't know about the treatment option that I finally found, and instead suffered for years from the illness and drug side effects while needlessly spending 10s of thousands of dollars out of pocket on my care in addition to costs paid for by insurance.


Hello members, Im looking for some guidance. My daughter has Ulcerative Colitis, she 21 and a single mother, and this disease has no cure, and is a challenging disease.
What strain is suggested and how many grams would be needed. My first grow is currently an Indica strain, not sure what version and looking to help my daughter with the abdominal pain and to keep the inflamation down. she is currently on prescription drugs and the side affects are horrible, headaches,sweats,and huge weight gain, water.
Any info appreciated


Well-Known Member
I've had Ulcerative Colitis for 13 years now. Been using MMJ for 5 of those years

Nothing else works...best strains are indica dominant for the pain and abdominal discomfort. Bubba Kush, Plushberry, and Purple Urkle are a few strains I have grown and had success with. Sativa dom strains are great for daytime use and a mood lift too. Flare ups can really bring on a depressive state, at least in my experience


Well-Known Member
Hello members, Im looking for some guidance.My daughter has Ulcerative Colitis, she 21 and a single mother, and this disease has no cure, and is a challenging disease.
What strain is suggested and how many grams would be needed. My first grow is currently an Indica strain, not sure what version and looking to help my daughter with the abdominal pain and to keep the inflamation down. she is currently on prescription drugs and the side affects are horrible, headaches,sweats,and huge weight gain, water.
Any info appreciated
If I were you/her, I'd be investigating the use of concentrated cannabis used in the edible/consumable form for her issue. I somehow doubt she'll want to be sparking up a doobie every few hours with just her and her child. A great, even more effective method of use is Rick Simpson Oil, referred to as RSO. I won't go into great detail with the method of production, since its all easily available online. If you're in a legal med State, look for caregivers who specialize in making and administering this amazing stuff.

It'll change her life forever, I promise.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. we live in British Columbia and she is currently going for her MM license. I will be growing for her as Ive posted in the past. it is correct that she doesnt want to smoke it as her daughter is only 1, so she wants to take it oraly. I will look into the RSO to see if I can produce it,
Bowl, jhow many grams do you use, and where do you order your seeds from.. I have heard the Indica is a better strain and thats what im currently growing