ultra snow storm is it worth the money?


Well-Known Member
Hello family got a question for you. Us ultra snow storm worth the money.I don't know how some growers get there buds to ice up like they do. The Guy at the hydro store said to use ultra snow storm and that will do the trick but is it sugar or what.so can anyone tell me how they get their buds ice up.I'm in week two of flowering.temps are 72degrees lights on. 1000Watts breed is pineapple express g13.
is it made by some humboldt company? a long time ago when i went to the hydro store they gave me some of this stuff as a sort of sample, i ended up using it but honestly i cant tell you if it made a difference, alot of the stuff out there is just gimmicks bro, give it some NPK with some micro nutes and they will be just fine, promise
I used it once for a entire grow.I didn't notice any difference to much with ice buds but that one plant that was in front of a fan was covered in ice.
It's just a potassium supplement derived from Potassium Hydroxide "KOH". You can buy two pounds of food grade KOH flakes for under $4. It's used in soapmaking. Shouldn't be too hard to just dissolve the flakes yourself rather than spending $20 for a bottle of diluted KOH.

"The Guy at the hydro store said to use ultra snow storm"

I wouldn't pay too much attention to what the guy at the hydro store has to say. They are in business by selling products. Of course he just happens to have something on the shelf that will "ice" up your plants. No matter what your problem is most guys in the hydro stores always have one cure all or another. A couple weeks ago I was in a shop with a friend that won't listen to anyone. He had powdery mildew. He walks into the shop and asks the guy what he would recommend. Well of course the guy had a $20 packet of powder right there on the shelf. He then went on with some nonsense about how the PM was now in the genetics of the plant and other ridiculous nonsense. Many of these guys know nothing about growing anything. Most are just businessmen/salesman profiting off of an exploding market. The more they sell the more they profit so they definately have an incentive to sell you as much unnecessary stuff as they can.

The majority of all these products are just repackaged and marked up basic mineral salts.
I agree the Hydro store guy is just doing his job , I am a Hydro Tech and never do I promote such false claims like such .. I will state that this may enhance trichome production but its all in the genetics at hand and environment and care

As well Powdery Mildew is a plant pathogen and if you dont understand this then please google it , no time to educate today , maybe if I was being paid like I normally am.........................
If you're growing in soil just add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of monopotassium phosphate when you feed. You'll get all the P&K that any of the bloom boosters have. If you're doing hydro add 1/4 teaspoon per gallon on top of your regular plan. This should start in the third or fourth week of flower and continue for several weeks and then stop. Magnesium and sulphur added at the same time by using epsom salts " magnesium sulphate" can help during flowering. Nitrogen levels shoud not be reduced but maintained at the same levels when going into flowering and continued throughout the duration of the grow to maintain healthy plants.
I would think that the "icing up" like you see in a lot of photos has more to do with strain than a particular product. That said, I own a bottle of Snow Storm Ultra, as well as several other HCO products and am not entirely convinced they do anything. I am most enticed by their "gravity" product, if anyone else has used it or has thoughts on that product, Id like to hear them.