Uncle bens topping + Cloning = More plants experiment ???


Well-Known Member
Thought i try something new.....So when using bag seeds or none feminised seeds... I geminate them as per normal and when they get to 8-9 inches(a little bit taller than normal) and i topped them "Uncle Bens" styles... and use the cuttings as clones... marking them both plant A / clone A... plan B / clone B Etc... Then by the time the plans show they're sex... you have a clone of the females to replace the male plants that you kill = the original number of plants again (assuming they are 50/50 male and female) Thought I'd give it a go anyway!!!!

Any thoughts ???

Will these "young" clones be any good???

Thanks > Chris

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yes this is done by many. I currently have 3 plants in 12/12 showing sex with their clones still in the veg area.


Well, OP, that is my hope. I started 26 from bagseed. I did UB's topping two nights ago and planted the cuttings. We'll see. I kind of think mine weren't long enough. I let them get to (barely) 5 nodes. I am hoping that at least a few females will take so that when I know the sex I can produce a second and third super crop of female-only.

this is my first grow, and I am trying not to be too ambitious. I just want to get through it with some personal stash that "pays for" all the equipment, and be done for a while. So I am using every angle I can to be successful, and this is one of them.


Well-Known Member
Well, OP, that is my hope. I started 26 from bagseed. I did UB's topping two nights ago and planted the cuttings. We'll see. I kind of think mine weren't long enough. I let them get to (barely) 5 nodes. I am hoping that at least a few females will take so that when I know the sex I can produce a second and third super crop of female-only.

this is my first grow, and I am trying not to be too ambitious. I just want to get through it with some personal stash that "pays for" all the equipment, and be done for a while. So I am using every angle I can to be successful, and this is one of them.
I topped mine 10 days ago an checked today and can already see little root hairs!!!! Be great if they were all girls!!! > Chris