Under curled leaves brown stem on seedling

Ok I have two plants growing they are one week apart. The oldest is very healthy and doing fine, the younger however is not. It has the two center leaves curled under and a brownish purple stem. I sprouted the two in the same pot. On Sunday I transplanted them into their own pot. I am using worm castings for fert. I am using floros for veg growth. Just about 120 w for now till my other lights show up. The leaves were curled when I transplanted it. It has grown since the transplant but leaves still curled. I water both plants the same. Any thoughts? Il prolly go through hell fixen it just so it can grow a set of balls lol


Ok I have two plants growing they are one week apart. The oldest is very healthy and doing fine, the younger however is not. It has the two center leaves curled under and a brownish purple stem. I sprouted the two in the same pot. On Sunday I transplanted them into their own pot. I am using worm castings for fert. I am using floros for veg growth. Just about 120 w for now till my other lights show up. The leaves were curled when I transplanted it. It has grown since the transplant but leaves still curled. I water both plants the same. Any thoughts? Il prolly go through hell fixen it just so it can grow a set of balls lol
This happens to all seedlings, those are the two embryonic leaves that supply the plants and usually die within the first couple weeks. Quit your worrying and read a book.