Under standing npk @ times of plant growth help needed


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone im trying to figure out how to break down my npk for my plants.
Im a general organics user at the time i have dyna gro products just lying around and wanted to give them things a try again after seeing homebrewers thread. but with something like dyna gro how do i get a good 1-1-1 or a 3-1-2 for veg with the bottle @dyna gro grow 7-9-5 with the bottle saying use 1/4 1/2 and 1tsp per gallon which dose is 7-9-5 and how do i dilute that and add armor si or what ever pk booster to get a stable number i like

so far im thinking if i have a 5-5-5 ferterlizer (example) @ high dose 1 tsp or 5ml per/gal
if i gave 1 ml per gallon i would have a 1-1-1 right or wrong ?


Well-Known Member
A balanced npk is good keep it simple and dont overanalyze it. Dyna gro has good products
yeah i understand that part but i think there grow is 7-9-5 so theis is way off from a 3-1-2 or -1-1-1 but i have slica 0-0-3 now how do i add that with dilution