Under watered seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Hi. I let my rockwool dry out last night under my light and my seedling flopped over. I've since watered them but I was wondering will it of caused any permanent damage to them, stunting etc or will they bounce back.

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Id put a stake of some type i the ground and tie her back up to it some how. It should bounce back if the damage wasnt severe, but theres no way to tell if the damage is permanent until it grows more.


Well-Known Member
There's no mistaking it if a seedling dies, so if there's still hope then you're more than likely okay.
There shouldn't be any damage in the long term...from this anyway ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeh hopefully :) I know some people say don't but I have them under my hps as well. It's about a meter away so it shouldn't be too intense for them should it?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I don't have a cfl or anything and there's no point in putting them in the window since it's winter where I am and the light levels are too low.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I don't have a cfl or anything and there's no point in putting them in the window since it's winter where I am and the light levels are too low.
Hps could probably be even farther away if theyre that small, what size bulb is it?....please dont say 1000 or ill cry for that sprout.


Well-Known Member
haha no its a 400. Just measured it properly and the distance from the bulb to plant tip is 46 inches.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I don't have a cfl or anything and there's no point in putting them in the window since it's winter where I am and the light levels are too low.
...first off man, seedlings don't need much light at all so putting them under your HPS is way overkill, ...and saying you can't do it because you don't have a CFL just seems lazy, ...a single 23watt CFL will cost you about a buck, i'd bet you could find that buried in your chair. ...not to mention that you are already paying for that bulb with the electrical costs of running that HPS when it isn't needed.

...anyway, what i have found to work really well to prop wobbly seedlings up with is those plastic stirrers you get with a cup of coffee, they are plenty stiff enough to hold up a seedling and being plastic they won't go moldy on you.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
...first off man, seedlings don't need much light at all so putting them under your HPS is way overkill, ...and saying you can't do it because you don't have a CFL just seems lazy, ...a single 23watt CFL will cost you about a buck, i'd bet you could find that buried in your chair. ...not to mention that you are already paying for that bulb with the electrical costs of running that HPS when it isn't needed.

...anyway, what i have found to work really well to prop wobbly seedlings up with is those plastic stirrers you get with a cup of coffee, they are plenty stiff enough to hold up a seedling and being plastic they won't go moldy on you.

peace, bozo
Yeah I know. It's a little inconvenient to get anywhere right now with the snow here :( Would the window be suffice for now?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know. It's a little inconvenient to get anywhere right now with the snow here :( Would the window be suffice for now?
...while the AMOUNT of light they will get in a window will be sufficient until you can get out it will probably make your seedlings stretch, ...i'd imagine your HPS will do the same.

...have you a small lamp in the house that already has a CFL in it? ...you don't want to use an incandescent bulb because they get much too hot.

if not and you really can't get out of the house them your HPS will have to do.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
I don't have anything unfortunately. I will let them harden off in the window a little and then put them under the hps. Its all I can do right now :/


Active Member
20121230_114426.jpg dollar store CFL and two thrift store LED desk lamps. depending on what the temps are doing I will have all or 1 on. for cloning and sprouting. 89 clones strong not one failure.


Well-Known Member
I ended up grabbing a energy saver bulb out of my lamp and put that over them for now. It's only low wattage but the bulb is cool enough that I can grab the thing with my hand so heat wont be a problem. Hopefully a bit of gentle light should pick them up :)