under watering


Active Member
I'm thinking that I've been underwatering in flower. There seem to a number of schools of thought on this tipping, meters, etc. but if you don't water and feed, it's just not going to get big buds... Any ideas on how much is too much in flower. I know the basic "water stress" symptoms, anything else I should pay particular attention to if I'm pushing fluids?


Well-Known Member
Lately I have just been feeling the weight of the pot when I water every 2-3 days and I am in late flower. I don't water till run off like some suggust. I usually over water if that happens. Hope that helps.


Sector 5 Moderator
It's easy: when the leaves start to droop, it's time to water. It's much easier to overwater or overfeed than under and under is much more forgiving.


Active Member
I'm up to harvest 3 (1 plant each) and I've been a bit low on yield. I've decided to get a bit more aggresive with nutes and water in flower trying to increase bud weight. It took me a couple plants to stop over watering and I think I may have gone the other way with not enough. I'm watering about every 3 days now and it's just not enough. More trial and error. At least each one gets better...


Well-Known Member
u give the same amount of wate as u would in veg, and water till just a trickle comes out the bottom,