Uneducated whites (white trash)

things they care about most, the wall and their guns. I met a dum dum hillbilly today and I was pleasantly surprised he is not happy with trump but when I suggested Elizabeth Warren he got very upset and upset saying
“not no one gonna take my guns away from me!! No way are they gettin my guns!!
Lol. I had to try and calm the hysterical old guy down and reassured him Beto was no longer in the Democratic race. I got the feeling he thinks every democratic candidate is going to take his guns away from him.
trump wins so many votes on just the gun craziness alone. Nothing else matters ? That’s how stupid these people are.
Does this poll just assume black, Hispanic, and "other" have no college? Or they're too small to list? Such a strange grouping they got here
Funny how they leave that out. Biased much? Shows these polls are a joke and made to make people who cant think for themselves feel some type of way. Click bait. Hey it must work, buckster believes it enough to repost. He loves to hate white, trailer trash, crackers, red necks, and cousin bangers.

Regardless of the skewed facts and lack of info, a white trash vote still counts at the ballot. White trash still has a voice. WTVM. White trash votes matter.
Funny how they leave that out. Biased much? Shows these polls are a joke and made to make people who cant think for themselves feel some type of way. Click bait. Hey it must work, buckster believes it enough to repost. He loves to hate white, trailer trash, crackers, red necks, and cousin bangers.

Regardless of the skewed facts and lack of info, a white trash vote still counts at the ballot. White trash still has a voice. WTVM. White trash votes matter.
Nobody said your vote doesn't matter. We are simply pointing out that you are the product of a lack of education. If you ever manage to breed, your kids have a decent chance of realizing what a piece of shit you are.
Aren’t we all a little racist ?
Sure. We're all a little prejudiced ... different but same.
It's hard wired in all of us.
Some of us recognize that, and keep our animal tendencies in check (that's called 'intelligence')

Heir Buck does not even try.
He is a card-carrying racist.
White supremacists, KKK, etc. That kind of racist.
Those guys are racists ... and so is Uncle Buck.
Sure. We're all a little prejudiced ... different but same.
It's hard wired in all of us.
Some of us recognize that, and keep our animal tendencies in check (that's called 'intelligence')

Heir Buck does not even try.
He is a card-carrying racist.
White supremacists, KKK, etc. That kind of racist.
Those guys are racists ... and so is Uncle Buck.
"Heir Buck"?

You are a dumb person.
"Heir Buck"?

You are a dumb person.
I'd rather be dumb than racist.
Some of the nicest people I ever known are 'dumb'.
There are no nice racists.

So, thank you.

PS: Why are you racist against white people? Were you raised that way? Or did a pale-face do something to you? Or do you just watch MSNBC too much?
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