Unidentifiable Deficiency - Please Help!

Dr. Dakota

New Member
These straaange brown spots started forming around the edges of my leaves and I have no

clue what they are. At first I thought it was a manganese problem but did further research and

figured it wasn't. About 2 weeks ago I had hit them with Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Fish

Hydrolysate, Dyna-Gro ProTekt, and a little bit of Gravity. My water pH is a hiiigh of 8.5, but I

noticed the buffers in my soil make it so the water runoff is an easy 6.5. Any suggestions is

greatly appreciated, and I can provide boatloads of more info if need be. Thanks.


Dr. Dakota

New Member
Info Bump

What type of medium; soil or hydro? Soil.
What brand and type of soil? 50% FOFF and 50% Roots Organics
Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors.
What strain? Is affecting both the Indicas and Sativas
How old are the plants? 4 1/2 months
What is your watering frequency and source of water? Tap - Every 3 days or so. I eyeball it.
What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? See above, and just hit them twice so far. Only hit with Gravity once though. 4.01 - 12.3 - 7.7
What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro? 6.5 runoff
What size pots? 20 gal.
Any bugs? Look real close. Nope. Have 60x-100x magnifier. Only have spiders (not mites), and the occasional gnat I see.

Darth Dank

looks like nitrogen def. and cal. def.
give it cal/mag and wait for a few days if yellowing keeps spreading use n.


Well-Known Member
It looks organic to me, not a def. Possibly leaf spot or a similar fungus. Damp soil, high humidity, lack of air movement could be an issue. Hope things improve for you. Peace

Darth Dank

look at a pic of advance calicum def. he hasent been using cal/mag and I bet the spots showed up right when it started to bud.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Also appears that your P&K are a little high to early in flower....That's what's causing the yellowing out.....The plant is using it's internal stored nutrition in a rush to finish. At day 1 of flower I'll hit them once with a bit extra P&K to jump start flowering hormones.

NPK in the first 3 weeks should be around 3.4 - 2.6 - 3.4 in soil.
At week 3 I'll bump the NPK to 3.4 - 9.8 - 8.4 some times 3.4 - 10.4 - 9.0 (with particular breeds) at the last 2 weeks of flower I sometimes will add MOAB from Mad Farmer 0-52-32. This can increase size and makes the bud more dense.
I'll also run Botanicare sweet (unflavored) a magnesium/sulfur supp that will increase tricomb count and size , also increase's terp production for more smells and flavor. I'll always run unsulfured molasses for the carbs used by the plant in budding, also adds nice flavors by again helping out the terps.

That's for when I run a synthetic. But I still alternate the next day with an organic microbe tea to keep my soil healthy and not overpower it with nutes....
This works well and I still get the fan leaf die-off in the late weeks as it should with synthetic use.

So next time a little lower P&K early in flower will help out and run a low N cal mag like G&H CALiMAGic at 5ml per gal at every feeding.....your trouble's will go away.

Dr. Dakota

New Member
Also appears that your P&K are a little high to early in flower....That's what's causing the yellowing out.....The plant is using it's internal stored nutrition in a rush to finish. At day 1 of flower I'll hit them once with a bit extra P&K to jump start flowering hormones.

NPK in the first 3 weeks should be around 3.4 - 2.6 - 3.4 in soil.
At week 3 I'll bump the NPK to 3.4 - 9.8 - 8.4 some times 3.4 - 10.4 - 9.0 (with particular breeds) at the last 2 weeks of flower I sometimes will add MOAB from Mad Farmer 0-52-32. This can increase size and makes the bud more dense.
I'll also run Botanicare sweet (unflavored) a magnesium/sulfur supp that will increase tricomb count and size , also increase's terp production for more smells and flavor. I'll always run unsulfured molasses for the carbs used by the plant in budding, also adds nice flavors by again helping out the terps.

That's for when I run a synthetic. But I still alternate the next day with an organic microbe tea to keep my soil healthy and not overpower it with nutes....
This works well and I still get the fan leaf die-off in the late weeks as it should with synthetic use.

So next time a little lower P&K early in flower will help out and run a low N cal mag like G&H CALiMAGic at 5ml per gal at every feeding.....your trouble's will go away.
I love your suggestion of MOAB because I have been reviewing it for a while and now that I hear someone recommend it i'll definitely try it out. As for the NPK, your formula seems to have a lot of potential to it. Unfortunately, I've already wasted a couple hundred bucks buying the nutrients to get my current NPK, so I might use your suggestion for next year. And it seem a few people believe Cal-Mag will do the trick, so I will go buy some of that ASAP. Thanks for all of your very helpful suggestions.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
G&O CaMg+ is good stuff,,but I like the extra iron in the CALiMAGic as it helps out the others in it's job.
The Iron is in the G&O Bio Thrive for grow or bloom derived from the seaweed.

Dr. Dakota

New Member
Went out and got some CALiMAGic yesterday and used it. Waiting on the results. I'll report back on them in a week or so. Thanks again for the suggestion, nice and cheap.