I have an Unknown Sativa. Here's a few pics of it. It's growing really tall I planted it back in May. It's only started really budding a week or two ago. Out of all my plants it was the last one to start flowering. If anyone has any idea on what strain it is i'd appreciate it.
The seed came from a bag of weed I got from downtown. In San Fransisco. It's the kind they sell in the bad parts of town for 10 bucks a gram. The buds arn 't dark like Mexican Dirt weed. It's not really bad stuff. It gives you an up energetic High. I personally like Indicas better but it was the first seed I gotta hold of to plant and luckily my first try came out as a female. but if anyone has an idea what it is I'd appreciate it.
The smell is really citrusy kind of orange like. It's about 7 feet tall and still growing. It probably won't be ready till November or late October.
The seed came from a bag of weed I got from downtown. In San Fransisco. It's the kind they sell in the bad parts of town for 10 bucks a gram. The buds arn 't dark like Mexican Dirt weed. It's not really bad stuff. It gives you an up energetic High. I personally like Indicas better but it was the first seed I gotta hold of to plant and luckily my first try came out as a female. but if anyone has an idea what it is I'd appreciate it.
The smell is really citrusy kind of orange like. It's about 7 feet tall and still growing. It probably won't be ready till November or late October.