unknown screen size! (please help) how many microns?


Active Member
Hey guys been having trouble tracking down some silk screens from the craftshop lately all out of stock,came across a few screens at home,thing is i have No idea how to tell in the different micron sizes! Have taken a few shots hoping someone might be able to help me!!
thanks helps is always appreciated!!



Well-Known Member
Try putting water through it and seeing how hard it is to pass through. The work bag in my bubble bag kit allows water through very easily while the 72micron bag has a somewhat hard time allowing water through and takes more time. I figure if the mesh is just big enough to start letting water through freely, it should be good as a work mesh, maybe?

If they all let water through very fast, I'd say use the smallest mesh you have for the work mesh. Mind you, this is just my first brainstorm to picking the right one not knowing the mesh sizes.


Well-Known Member
to find the proper screen mesh size you need to measure a 1inch square and count the the holes in the square and thats your mesh size.. if that dont work then try n find a tag on them somewhere,, lol looks to me that the left is about a 50 micron and the other two look to be a lil bit more like a 150 or 200 micron screen but if your using for hash its going to be hard to use those for any real out put of hash.. but that's just an opinion


Active Member
bass1014:9116287 said:
to find the proper screen mesh size you need to measure a 1inch square and count the the holes in the square and thats your mesh size.. if that dont work then try n find a tag on them somewhere,, lol looks to me that the left is about a 50 micron and the other two look to be a lil bit more like a 150 or 200 micron screen but if your using for hash its going to be hard to use those for any real out put of hash.. but that's just an opinion
They are all the same screen! Just different pictures.so i would have to count holes per inch? How much would an unbleached cone shaped coffee filter be would you say?

So this screen wouldn't give a decent product ? :s


Well-Known Member
Go on google and search for screen printing shops...give them a call and ask if you can buy some screen material off them


Active Member
to find the proper screen mesh size you need to measure a 1inch square and count the the holes in the square and thats your mesh size.. if that dont work then try n find a tag on them somewhere,, lol looks to me that the left is about a 50 micron and the other two look to be a lil bit more like a 150 or 200 micron screen but if your using for hash its going to be hard to use those for any real out put of hash.. but that's just an opinion
Lol fucking derp-they are all the same just different pictures.