Unknown Strain organic Hempy Bucket Grow


Well-Known Member
Ok so this will be my first grow jornel it will be outdoors and I plant to keep it pretty up to date and full of information. Unfortunatly I don't know what strain of crip it is but ethier way it came out if good smoke. I have other plant and I plan on doing other jornels for diffrent grows, but this was easy to start.

I grew my plant from seed in a small 8floz cup with organic soil mix and very little manure. It is 13 days old since it sprouted and its sowing its 5 point leaves and starting the next, it's been growing pretty fast and looks pretty healthy.

So, today I got up and started on making "Hempy Bucket". I started with a gallon container, ita supposed to be for drinks, and instead of cutting 1 hole in the bottom and putting in a screen I measured out the how big I would of made the whole and cut like 50 little tiny holes (so I woulden't lose perlite and in replace of the screen) so I would have the resivor at the bottem and still have the whole on the side.

Unfortunatly I won't be able to have pics today but I will have some up tomarrow.

Then I filled the container 100% perlite and transplanted my little plant into the "Hempy Bucket" and watered it till a little started coming out of the side holes, to make sure it would work and now my plant is off to growing again, my next update will be asap with pics.

:shock:Hope some one is reading this?


Well-Known Member
Yea I know I havent been able to take the pictures and I cant do much at the moment but its growing.


Well-Known Member
More pics:

This shot was to show the nute. burn.

Overhead shot

Also these are just some shots of 1 other plant thats just starting to flower (3 days in)

Nice thick stem, The plant is 3 or 4 mounths old.


very pretty buds, is that all done outdoors? also if youre using pure perlite do you have to use juiced up water for nutrientS?


Well-Known Member
very pretty buds, is that all done outdoors? also if youre using pure perlite do you have to use juiced up water for nutrientS?
At the moment it's nothing but straghit water because I gave it nute burn, also I want to keep it natural, organic, and as clean as possible, everything has been 100% outdoors and for the last couple of mounths I had a home made spot light to prevent flowering because it's not growing season yet and I just put it into bud a couple days ago she's almost 3ft high and wide.


Well-Known Member
Well I fucked up, not badly thought so its's ok it's all part or my first shot at a hempy grow :hump:.

So the container I had I think was to big to start (1 Gal.) and it was also see threw so algie can start to grow, so today I took it out of it's other one and transplanted it into a smaller plastic up with a couple holes 2 cm from the bottom rangeing to 3 cm. I'm used to transfering so no shock and it took me 5 minutes to build and set up. Watered it and hope the roots will grow down easier since it's not so far down to it's "Resivor". Pics tommarrow.


Well-Known Member
Well since I transfered the palnts (Still will put up pic's) I thought I would put it in the thing I use the germ the plants because it keeps it very humid and warm, but it got to warm, Crispy warm.:? So I forced my self to take off 2 leaves, one pretty much fell right off. So far it's still ok and it raind alo tonight (Still is) So I hope that will help pull the roots down with the constant flowing water. I'll have pictures up In a day or two I don't want to show off my plant when it looks like shit. Also I'll be keeping the flowering planbt up to date because it's to late to start A jornel on it.

So The othewr day I found out the big plant was root bound so I dug a 1ftx1ft hole that was probly 3 12ft deep and filled it 1/2 the way with an organic soil mix, organic compost, cow manure SC soil, and perlite and then I transplanted the monster root system in and continued to fill it up to the top with my mix. I water with nutes for the first four waters when I put my plant into flower and like I said it's been raining alot. The last Time I water I used A water mix of:
1 1/2 tbls of sugar/molassas
1 tablet of crush asprin to help the roots incase I damged them at all.

Overall the plant looks amazing and the other one (The origanal Hepy grow) is alive and hopfully growing again. Pics will be up ASAP.:joint:


Active Member
ok so everything sounds good and i myself am kinda new to the hempy bucket but from what i have learned it that if the sun or light can get to the roots it will eventually set up root rot which isn't good at all.... my advice is to find a way to keep light from getting to the roots....

good luck cant wait to see more pics