Unrooted clones turning yellow..bad! Help!!

Im on my second round of clones and I notice that some strains lower leaves are turning yellow faster than all the rest. And they seem to root slower than all the others. My first round I cloned Northern lights and blueberry and had a hard time with them turning yellow. The yellowing starts about 4 days in and continues rapidly until plant is rooted and growing. I had a high success rate, 85%, but alot of my clone are barely sticks in the dirt with one little leaf bud. Most of these dont start showing roots until 14 to 20 days. My pH I try to keep right at 6. Im using Liquinox Start Vit B-1 root hormone in my water, and my rooting compound powder is Schultz Take Root rooting hormone. They are all in a cloning dome under 4 florescent lights. Both rooting hormones is what I had laying around I plan on getting something better. Please respond if anyone knows what this could be.


Active Member
Yeah, use one or the other for the rooting hormones. Are these in Jiffy pellets (little soil sacks)? If so, make sure that you are letting your tap water sit out for a few days uncovered to let the chlorine vapor off.