update on ghetto ass growbox that I don't think is so ghetto anymore but you guys might


Active Member
here's my updated growbox. I started with a tv stand with some lamps strung around a circle with tinfoil cooking my plants to a crisp medium-well. Well I tried to listen to you guys. I didn't go as far as to throw my plants in the garbage disposal and take my box to a woodchipper, but I did mylar the walls, added 2 computer fans (I'm actually adding two more today right above them), an intake fan, hung 4 40Watt Cfls from the ceiling, with two 23Watt soft whites on the side. I've got some of these flex light bulb extenders coming for those so I can bend them down. Just wanted a couple soft whites for spectrum.

I had so much fun getting beat up by your comments that I thought I'd go for round two. Before anyone says anything about the fabric softeners, those are coming off too. I think that even the smallest reduction in the efficiency of the fan is too much for a the smell relief right now They don't smell that bad yet. I have access to an attic right in the closet where the box is so that's where my exhaust will go, im upgrading as I go..

Any ideas on improvements? I do still have temp issues. I hope that adding the two extra exhaust fans today will help. I would have put the exhaust right above the lights but I have them hanging vertically so that won't really work, but ive got intake on the opposite side hopefully working together to blow that hot air out. Gotta shout out to flagg420 for the idea of frozen water bottles, as those dropped my temps about 5 or 6 degrees. but I'm still holding at 82-84 on my best day.

heres a pic from before and some pics from where I'm at now. Any input, however brutal, is always appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Well I didn't see your first post but, that before pic is pretty laughable (as I'm sure you now realize). Props for the ability to take the beating and still pick out what seemed like some good info. That second box looks a billion times better:clap:. Try adding the other fans to places really close to your light/heat source and as high as possible. This way, it will immediately suck out hot air being generated and heat that rises and collects at the top of the box (sorry if that's repeated info). 82 not too bad. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
here's my updated growbox. I started with a tv stand with some lamps strung around a circle with tinfoil cooking my plants to a crisp medium-well. Well I tried to listen to you guys. I didn't go as far as to throw my plants in the garbage disposal and take my box to a woodchipper, but I did mylar the walls, added 2 computer fans (I'm actually adding two more today right above them), an intake fan, hung 4 40Watt Cfls from the ceiling, with two 23Watt soft whites on the side. I've got some of these flex light bulb extenders coming for those so I can bend them down. Just wanted a couple soft whites for spectrum.

I had so much fun getting beat up by your comments that I thought I'd go for round two. Before anyone says anything about the fabric softeners, those are coming off too. I think that even the smallest reduction in the efficiency of the fan is too much for a the smell relief right now They don't smell that bad yet. I have access to an attic right in the closet where the box is so that's where my exhaust will go, im upgrading as I go..

Any ideas on improvements? I do still have temp issues. I hope that adding the two extra exhaust fans today will help. I would have put the exhaust right above the lights but I have them hanging vertically so that won't really work, but ive got intake on the opposite side hopefully working together to blow that hot air out. Gotta shout out to flagg420 for the idea of frozen water bottles, as those dropped my temps about 5 or 6 degrees. but I'm still holding at 82-84 on my best day.

heres a pic from before and some pics from where I'm at now. Any input, however brutal, is always appreciated.
Lmao...man...first pic looks like an absolute fire hazard like you had a couple days before you lost your house kinda fire hazard...Looking much better now. Props on the transformation ;)

I noticed your comment about the odor / using fabric softener ...might already know but just in case, you could throw together a DIY carbon filter that'd be much more efficient and not have funky shit / chemicals around your plants. It appears that you're into DIY...worth looking into.

82-84 is still a bit high imo...i'd say next step is an improved ventilation system. Got a personal AC unit or something you can feed in there?

BTW i'm a noob so take anything I say w/ a grain of salt...or like half a salt shaker worth of salt...
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Active Member
Wow, Macgyver in the house.. those early pics really prove you want to grow. Glad to see the improvements for you and your neighbors sake

If you need to diy (heh) a carbon filter there's a few threads to read, my mate had a shit tent we added a bunch of duct ports w rivets and tape. Carbon from a pet store.

This build has got to a stay DIY!!! (Macgyver theme song plays here)

Enjoy :weed:


Active Member
thanks everybody, I guess im starting to get on the right track now. yeah this is my first grow and to be honest, I didn't even think the plants would really start smelling until flowering. Boy was I wrong about that one. I may do a carbon filter, but the fact that I'm literally 4 feet from a piece of sheetrock that goes into the attick I may be able to avoid it. Or I could certainly run the carbon filter to the attick just to be careful. This is on a second floor and don't really have neighbors to be worried about unless the smell is like a kick in the face, then a carbon filter will be a necessity. Can't be enveloping my house in a green haze of funky pot smell. I really don't know what to expect in the way of smell, I figured it may be the equivalent of taking tons of bonghits maybe X2. Is that about what we're talking with like 1 or two plants (I hope all five turn out fem)? Or are birds outside going to be dropping dead from the smell? thanks for the feedback everybody, I'm glad they called their trucks back ; /


Well-Known Member
thanks everybody, I guess im starting to get on the right track now. yeah this is my first grow and to be honest, I didn't even think the plants would really start smelling until flowering. Boy was I wrong about that one. I may do a carbon filter, but the fact that I'm literally 4 feet from a piece of sheetrock that goes into the attick I may be able to avoid it. Or I could certainly run the carbon filter to the attick just to be careful. This is on a second floor and don't really have neighbors to be worried about unless the smell is like a kick in the face, then a carbon filter will be a necessity. Can't be enveloping my house in a green haze of funky pot smell. I really don't know what to expect in the way of smell, I figured it may be the equivalent of taking tons of bonghits maybe X2. Is that about what we're talking with like 1 or two plants (I hope all five turn out fem)? Or are birds outside going to be dropping dead from the smell? thanks for the feedback everybody, I'm glad they called their trucks back ; /
I've seen a couple plants of schwaggy bag seed stink up a whole house...shits potent. Really there are a lot of factors but I know I'll be using a filter ;)


Well-Known Member
the smell won't be as bad as you describe (killing birds), but you will become desensitized to it and someone else will only need a small whiff to catch a clue. that said, it's not impossible to hide the smell without a carbon filter depending on the situation (proximity of neighbors, amount and strain of plants, venting location, etc...) other less effective options are ona gel, generic air odor removers, air purifiers...


Active Member
I suggest a carbon filter even though your venting through your attic. It's a good place to vent but that smell is gonna stink up your who house no matter where you vent it. Like the box, looks like you put some elbo grease into it. Looks like it's gonna be getting to small here soon enough, what's your plan of action next?


Active Member
yeah you're right about that, but I did tell myself at the start that 'plants getting too big' was a problem I would be happy to have. I'm either going to build up on this same box. Knock out the ceiling, add some plywood and make it like 5 feet high or so... but that sucks because then these computer fans will have been a total waste. Either that, or I'm going to get one of those grow tents that are like 80 bucks from amazon or whatever. The problem there is that I'll have to spend tons more money on fans and stuff to equip the tent correctly, those things aren't exactly set up for computer fans and stuff. I'm going to put these plants into flower in two or three weeks and see if we have some females in there before I do anything yet.

Quick question for anyone while I'm here: Do you guys think I should move this plant to this big pot in the pic? Does that look like a possible root bound situation right there? The reason I ask is because its drinking water like crazy. Where the others in the same size pot don't need to be watered for two, sometimes three days, this one dries up after 24 hours easy. The reason I haven't done it alreay is because its on an awesome rapid growth cycle and I don't really want to stall it if I don't have to. But that might be more of a reason to transplant huh? Man its going to suck when this big pot goes in there.. I'm going to have to move all my lights around again to keep the other plants in there lit.. but I guess its gotta happen. I wonder if a 1 gallon container would be a little better.. This one says 10" container on the bottom, but it holds more than a gallon, maybe 2. What do you guys think?

Thanks for all the help from everybody here, I'd be fucked if I just watched a Jorge Cervantes video and thought I could do this. I wish someone made a video on SMALL or closet grows with cfls. Oh and the two fans I added yesterday dropped the temps down t 79-80 max so I'm pretty happy about that.



Well-Known Member
BTW those plants are going to triple in size when you switch to 12/12, just a heads up. definitely transplant a week or two before switching to 12/12, if transplanting is needed, don't do it in flower. if roots are coming out the bottom, then it probably needs to be transplanted, but i can't tell by current pics.