Update on my previously broken Skunk1...any more tips?


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My Skunk1 (planted in soil 2/11) broke completely about a week and a half after planting and was left with a root and a very small bit of the stem but we replanted the stem anyway. It it still growing, just very slowly. I was comparing it to my reggie plant (planted 3/2) today and noticed they look pretty much exactly the same except my Skunk is just a mini version. I kinda got a chuckle out of it cause it's kinda cute for a pot plant but I want it to grow faster. I purchased some Superthrive and Fox Farm Grow Big but haven't used them on it yet because it hasn't needed the watering but it looks like it will need it tonight before it goes to sleep. But other than Superthrive and FF, what else can I do to increase the growth speed? I know it's small for it's age but I'm really amazed it's still going at all because it was left with no root and we didn't have Clonex or anything. But it has lots of leaves coming in, everything is just miniature. So... advice?
The Skunk plant looks different in the pics cause I switched rooms to try to get a better pic.



Active Member
Unfortunately, no formulas out there to really increase growth exponentially...however, if you switch to a hydro system, you'll think your plants are on steroids


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Yeah my boyfriend and I are looking to build our own DWC. For the time being that it is in the soil, will it always grow that slow or is it still just repairing and when it's done it'll grow normal? I'm being very patient with this plant just cause it's a Skunk and no purpose in pulling a plant that isn't dead or dying. I have a Lemon Diesel waiting to be germinated also but I'm kinda waiting to see how the Skunk goes.


Active Member
It'll pick back up once the plants health plateaus out to norma, but that could be weeks, and even then it might not grow quite the speed the others do, but as long as it showin signs of life then it'll be good to go...good sentiment ya keep, l wouldn't want to kill a potentially smokeable tree either


Active Member
Even if it ends up being male, that would suck because the time we'll be putting in to this, but at least I'll get more seeds out of it and can try try again! And make cannabutter!!!! It seriously looks like it will be mini forever lol, it's almost pathetic but I just can't murder it, ya know? Will the leaves like ever get bigger? Haha it almost looks like it'll be a bonzai cannabis tree


Active Member
Haha totally...yeah the leaves will grow, he/she's just going through a rough patch right now, def will take some time...you just want to keep a close eye on it, in my experience, plants that got really shocked early (like your mini one) were more prone to deficiency/disease (but thats not saying all plants are, just what l've witnessed with mine). Males always suck, but like you said, you can let the strains mix and maybe get some bad ass hybrid out of it


Active Member
I mean I wouldn't be upset really if it died cause I still have the Lemon Diesel to plant, but I just don't want a bunch of plants going when I'm still a beginner. The reg were for shits and giggles and kinda for the experience and since the 2 we have are going good, I'm hoping we get a chronic to grow that way too. And if they do work out well and we successfully flower and everything then we plan on ordering from Nirvana or something.


Active Member
Hey, for a beginner, just having plants that are alive is a huge leap! Keep up ya good work...also, to your ? in the other thread, your reg plant looks like it could be transplanted at any time now


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l'd let the soil be a little moist, close to ready to water again (but not bone dry)...that way you can repack and water after the transplant, and you should be A-ok


Active Member
Haha it's always nerve wrecking the first time around. Just smudge the top of the soil down into the cup (just enough to make the soil hold its form) and take the stalk between your ring and middle finger, cover the cup w/the rest of your hand, flip it over n give it a nice tap on the bottom and it should all come out in one nice piece...doesn't disturb the roots and makes for a much easier transplant lol


Active Member
For sure, thanks. That will probably have to be my job and not my boyfriend's lol. Girls are more gentle lol.


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Well my boyfriend just tested the pH level and it was at 7 but he hasn't used nutes on it for about a week. It's due for a watering tonight so will the watering help flush it and put the pH level back to where it should be at?


Active Member
I haven't checked the pH in the water. It's just the reverse osmosis "drinking water" you buy at the store. And that was the soil pH. When I checked this morning after last nights watering the pH did seem to go down to about 6.8ish.
And my reggie (the bigger one) was just watered Monday but the soil is dry again and the cup is a hell of a lot lighter that Skunk who was watered last night. Is the reggie drying out fast cause it's bigger so the roots are sucking up the water too quick? Is it definitely time to transplant?


Active Member
yes the bigger one is ready to transplant, but as lightning said you dont want to do it when the soil is too dry cos the soil may fall apart, id water once more then the following day transplant into its new home. no nutes though as there will be some in the new soil when you add the plant too it. theres plenty of vids on youtube on repotting weed/plants. good luck!
yes its drinking quicker because the cup is fuller with roots than the skunk, plant looks very nice, lovely green leaves!!!


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Yeah too bad it's just mersh! Lol. Hopefully when I start my Lemon Diesel it will grow like that. But I'm sure the Skunk would have if it didn't break lol


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UPDATE!!! So my little Skunk plant is still doing great, looking at the pics from when I first started posting pics of it is crazy, I am pretty proud of my boyfriend and me for being so patient with it and taking good care of it. But I noticed today that where the branches come out, there are leaves coming in (I know it does that anyway cause my reg is doing it). I know it's normal but my Skunk plant is small to have those leaves growing in already. Seriously, bonzai cannabis plant lol.

