Update on sickish gals

ok, so it's been a few days since people recommended i check ph and give them some mag.
(outdoor grow, good soil)
i did.
soil ph is fine - around 6.5-6.8 in all, except for the best 2, whose ph is lower, 6ish, which i think is strange.
added special humus and mag solution and foliar fed them epsom salt.
no real change. but no deterioration either.
also, got 2 good pics of insects which have been crawling around my gilrs, especially those who don't look too good - have any idea what they are? bad for me?
my questions are:
1) what's with the yellow spots? (no mites, checked several times)
2) what are the small bluish spots on some leaves?
3) my gals are in 2 gallon pots, 3 weeks old (24 days) and only 7 inches tall. they are now growing the first 7 fingered leaves and looks like they are about to branch out. i know i started late but it stays hot where i live and won't drop under 50 for the next 2 months. no frost issues either, so i thought i'd give it a go. is it possible that they are small because of the time of year? fed them grow nutes once (really diluted), 8 days ago. am waiting for the soil to dry out and will feed again tomorrow (bit more than last time).

many many thanks to all responders in advance!
that's quite possible, but still, i don't really mind having small plants with little yield for my first grow, so i'm gonna keep them - or do you think i won't see any buds whatsoever?
do you have any idea about the other things?