updated journal


Active Member
i first got the plants, about a week ago, they're looking healthy for the most part
they were put in potting soil mixxed with shitty red dirt, (still need to get soil) but i got the Eearth Worm Juice and my PH tester, it was in between 5-6ish
few days later they're looking a little droopy, and i found some ants in the soil : / might have been the dead fish next to them that attracted the ants, the lower leaves on the stems are looking yellower today
but i have a seperate one that has an all dark dark green stalk and all dark green leaves..
going to get the soil today, transplant them and only hope they get better from there
they get almost all day in the sun outside in pots, and they're about 8, 9, and 14 inches tall now
still with kinda loppy looking leaves


Well-Known Member
Do you have any pictures? Hope your plants get better. and it sounds like the ph is a bit low. I think soil should be aroudn 6.5. fro mwhat all I read. And I was curious as to if the ph stuff from petsmart that automaticalyl adjusts and stabalizes the water would work for this? No one replied to my thread but if anyone reading this knows maybe this would be a solution to the ph other then ph up and ph down?


Active Member
no, no pictures yet, it could very well possibly be the PH, but im not sure yet, and no i have a different PH tester, i havnt seen one that actually adjusts it for you


Well-Known Member
well not a ph tester itself but ther are ph up/down products. I spotted a PH Adjuster at PetSmart for fishtanks that eliminates clorine and adjusts the ph. Might wanna find out if this would work maybe? I havent tested it yet but many of my friends say it should work. keyword: should. Also how much are you watering them and any nutes? does the soil have any nuts and if u are using or it does whats the n-p-k of them if you know?


Active Member
yea ill have to check that out, but for the nutes, im using Earth Worm Juice, all organic stuff, i made the mistake of getting the "bloom" instead of the "grow" so no, no nutrients quite yet, been using the "bloom" though which is 0-3-2, then the grow is 2-1-1.. my plants are about 9, 10, and 14 inches tall at the moment


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well bloom doesnt have the needed nitrogen it high in phosphorous and very low in nitrogen as thats what plants in bloom will need.You need some nitrogen feed.


Active Member
haha alright, ill go pick the "grow" up today, but the dumbfuck at the store told me otherwise, i knew i shouulda come on here to ask you guys first but ehhh.. oh well right? what all am I using? well my entire set up is.. a 5gal bucket with an 8 inch plant and a 14 inch plant in it, (i still need to transplant the 8 incher else where today) and then another 10 incher in a seperate smaller pot, then my PH tester, and the earth worm juice "bloom" til after today which i will be feeding it the "grow" instead, they get almost all day in the sun and their next to a bunch of manzaneda or w/e


Active Member
forgot to mention the soil, but its an organic potting soil (bat guano and worm castings) mixxed with a reallly really bad red dirt soil thats all over around here just to move them, ill either switch to the all organic potting soil or just go switch to soemthing else just as good


Active Member
yea, will do, im going to go check them right now actually, get them all set up right but ill try and post some pics here in a few days


Well-Known Member
Yes, pics would be nice. Also the guy said otherwise? He doesn't know what your growing I hope.. hehe The closest plant to weed is a tomatoe. so yeah. Also I found some mirical grow that has some much higher nuts in it then that tho mixing it is a bit harder.. Just post back with your progress and some pics and we can give you some more advice..

happy growing,


Active Member
well, i got my "grow" today and got the 8'' out of the same bucket as the 14'' once, and i must say, 3 days of not watering, their lookin damn better then they were, kinda anctious to see what they'll do tomarrow with the new worm juice in em', ill keep you guys posted though for sure!


Well-Known Member
depends on the directions.. how much nutes are in it.. if there insanly high nuts in it i dunno maybe less.. if its barely any then might not hurt to do the 3 it say.. my sugegstion is trial and error.. if it works it works if not then add more to the mix and see if it helps.. but definatly get pics and we will be able to help any problem you have.


Active Member
directions say to put 3 tablespoons, so i only did 2, the nutes are 2-1-1... and i spent all day looking for my damn digital camera and its gone... any other suggestions of getting pics up on here thats cheap? (and easy) :P
i was thinkin a regular 10$ camera but idk how i'd get the pics on the comp, this isnt weed related but c'mon, help me out :D