Updated Problem... Still Need Help....!


Active Member
So here is an update on my mother plant for all of you that have helped me out... I put her in some normal organic potting soil with "No Nutrients" what so ever (Damn Miracle Grow)... I am only gave her water once now (No Nutrients) and no misting... The PH in the soil is 6 and the runoff PH is at 6.5 (Both are stable)...

This is how she looks, is she ok and is she going to survive...? Any thing else I should do...? :leaf:

Pic 003.jpgPic 007.jpgPic 006.jpgPic 005.jpg
I hate to say this but, Your plant looks like its dead.

If she survives I will be surprised. I wouldn't keep her if it was me. Start over again. I am sorry.
All of her leafs have necrosis, yellowing, and are curling in on themselves. There's not much I can think of that you can do to help revive her. Maybe some super thrive. But I wouldn't keep my hopes up.
Peace and positive energy to you.

Damnit, all that work into her and nothing....

All I have left are her 2 Clones, can you all help me out in not screwing these ones up also...
I would hate to lose everything after all I have done and paid, eventually I will try to come
across some more seeds and go from there but until then I would like these babies to get
me by...

What should I do to these guys, is everyone for sure I am on the right path here....

I have used Green Light Rooting Horomone on both of them and did the correct cutting
procedures... I only water them with PLAIN TAP WATER PH 6.3

One is in MG (MIRACLE GROW)... NO DOME (PH 5.8)
Pic 005.jpg

One is in the Organic Soil (NO NUTRIENTS)... UNDERNEATH A DOME (PH 6.2)
Pic 003.jpgPic 009.jpg

How am I doing...? What else do I need to do or prepare for...?
Damnit, all that work into her and nothing....

All I have left are her 2 Clones, can you all help me out in not screwing these ones up also...
I would hate to lose everything after all I have done and paid, eventually I will try to come
across some more seeds and go from there but until then I would like these babies to get
me by...

How am I doing...? What else do I need to do or prepare for...?

Ok check it out.... are those rooted clones and you planted them in soil or did you just stick them in the pots after applying the cloning solution?

When I take cuttings I dont use a humidity dome and i dont mist them either. I just cut off the bottom leaves of the cutting and split the stem at the bottom about 1/4 an inch. Then I dip them in Vita Grow cloning hormone and stick them into 2inch neoprene inserts and throw them into my aeroponic cloner. In 5-7 days I have roots. Oh, I also cut the remaining leaves in half. It slows down transpiration and I believe forces the cutting to grow roots.

I would be prepared to see the lower leaves start to yellow and possibly fall off. THis is normal and is expected. The other thing I would be prepared for is to transplant them into bigger pots as soon as you see roots at the bottom. Those are some small containers they are in. I hope the root and turn into beautiful female plants! Here is a few pics of my aeroponic bucket cloner and some root porn. Enjoy.
Good luck to you

Peace and positive energy to you



  • Rooting BB and WW clones2 8_7_10.jpg
    Rooting BB and WW clones2 8_7_10.jpg
    41.4 KB · Views: 6
They are unrooted clone, its only been 2 days actually I was incorrect on my times above...
I applied the rooting powder horomone after splitting the stem in hald about 1/4inch then
put them into soil mediums... 1 with Miracle Gow Potting Soil and 1 with All Organic Potting Soil
How do they look from the pictures above...? Do they look like they have to potential to root...?

Should I cut all leaves in half, if so which ones...? Please copy the picture below and use paint to
circle which leaves to cut, would help out alot...

One is in the Organic Soil (NO NUTRIENTS)... UNDERNEATH A DOME ( PH 6.2 )

One is in MG (MIRACLE GROW)... NO DOME ( PH 5.8 )