Upgrade your Jackets Ice Age Comin

King Arthur

Well-Known Member

We got climate change deniers, perpetrators, and now I present you with the Ice Age theory...

Don't laugh too hard, and remember not to steal Michael Jackson's popcorn that would be rude. Never steal from someone who can't steal back.


Well-Known Member

We got climate change deniers, perpetrators, and now I present you with the Ice Age theory...

Don't laugh too hard, and remember not to steal Michael Jackson's popcorn that would be rude. Never steal from someone who can't steal back.

The scientific consensus says unequivocally warming will continue throughout the 21st century;


See for yourself

King Arthur

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Oh trust me, I am not backing this shit by no means. I just came across this and was thinking to myself "are you fucking kidding me..."
Aaah, I see

The ice age theory is immature, shallow, unscientific & demonstrably false. @ Doer is its biggest proponent on this site.. he'll have you believe more CO2 is good for the environment.. that "a few degrees increase" is insignificant..

Fairy tales..


Well-Known Member
Aaah, I see

The ice age theory is immature, shallow, unscientific & demonstrably false. @ Doer is its biggest proponent on this site.. he'll have you believe more CO2 is good for the environment.. that "a few degrees increase" is insignificant..

Fairy tales..
If it's a theory it's hardly unscientific.

And hasn't our planet had ice ages before?

Isn't predicting another one like saying "It'll get dark later" ??


Well-Known Member
If it's a theory it's hardly unscientific.

And hasn't our planet had ice ages before?

Isn't predicting another one like saying "It'll get dark later" ??
We have had "quickie" ice ages in the recent past,.the Older Dryas and the Younger Dryas, and recent episodes of continental scale desertification. With the Arctic cap gone, the Antarctic rapidly collapsing, the ocean conveyors degrading, green house gases increasing, the rain forests disappearing,ocean and atmospheric temps. rising. Who, other than a few RIU "Swamis", can say anything but, "change is coming", probably sooner than later?
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Well-Known Member
Fuck I'm cold. The last couple 'o months were a mini ice age.

We need more electric cars on the road so we can accelerate the filth we put in the sky. Warm this bitch up a bit, I says.

Maybe we could come up with a few more hoaxes like recycling, which of course you all know, (aluminum being the exception) has a negative effect on the environment.

Lemmings gotta lem.
Eco-Loons gotta loon.


Well-Known Member
Damn it's hot, ordered a chiller last week but apparently a bunch of folks have, they say maybe next week....

Insects that use to live only in the valley are working their way up in elevation.

They are calling for a record of 87 on Thursday, the Govt. will be warning elderly to stay indoors...

Fuck I'm cold. The last couple 'o months were a mini ice age.

We need more electric cars on the road so we can accelerate the filth we put in the sky. Warm this bitch up a bit, I says.

Maybe we could come up with a few more hoaxes like recycling, which of course you all know, (aluminum being the exception) has a negative effect on the environment.

Lemmings gotta lem.
Eco-Loons gotta loon.
It's really on your perspective.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Nah his perspective is useless. Nobody else can get their heads so far up their asses to see things the way he does.
Yeah, that logical and consistent shit can really fuck with some people.

I heard your head was so far up somebodies ass you could see the gerbils feet.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Oh the irony of this post...
I claim to be against government coercion and believe human interactions should be based in consent of the involved parties. I also claim all people have the right to defend themselves and their justly acquired property. Horrible beliefs eh?

Which part do you disagree with ?

Are you ready to use your big boy words and engage in a conversation that examines ideas, where we each try to answer the other guys questions without resorting to foolishness and diversions?


Well-Known Member
You just called muypoco consistently logical while he was denying science and now of course you simply must derail the thread with your views...

Followed by a challenge not to create a diversion...

Inb4 pedophilia is described as consensual or my va disability benefits are compared to rape...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You just called muypoco consistently logical while he was denying science and now of course you simply must derail the thread with your views...

Followed by a challenge not to create a diversion...

Inb4 pedophilia is described as consensual or my va disability benefits are compared to rape...
No. I said I can't answer for him, nor will I attempt to, only he can. I'm not his keeper and I doubt he'd want me to be.

I remain open to polite and reasonable debate. It seems like my saying that triggers a response in you that is unpleasant. I'll take that as you are unwilling to examine ideas and you have concluded there is nothing else you can ever learn. I'm not done learning yet, so I'll just leave you alone in your hammock to revel in your wisdom.


Well-Known Member
Nah his perspective is useless. Nobody else can get their heads so far up their asses to see things the way he does.
Except for enough politicians, scientists, climatologists and citizens to thwart the Eco-loons' wish list of legislation. Except for all those people.


Well-Known Member
No. I said I can't answer for him, nor will I attempt to, only he can. I'm not his keeper and I doubt he'd want me to be.
But you sure can jump in to his defense to call his science denial logical and consistent.

So you aren't speaking for him, you just agree with his every word, got it. It's kinda like how you're not racist but you go on and on about how we should return to segregation.


Well-Known Member
Except for enough politicians, scientists, climatologists and citizens to thwart the Eco-loons' wish list of legislation. Except for all those people.
Cite some scientists. While you're at it, cite them talking about legislation. Last time you cited NASA, we all had a good laugh at you.


Well-Known Member
Is the guy who made that vid a Canadian? And why does he sound like he has a Mexican-Hindi accent?
He seems to be comfortable with Chinese...hmmm. Is he a spy?


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
But you sure can jump in to his defense to call his science denial logical and consistent.

So you aren't speaking for him, you just agree with his every word, got it. It's kinda like how you're not racist but you go on and on about how we should return to segregation.
No, it's more like declaring yourself to be an anarchist and then desperately counting down your last cheetohs while waiting for the government check to arrive.

Also, I never said I accept or deny anything about globular warming. I made it pretty clear I don't know. I accept that no crisis true or not true will go to waste by government, this one has been no exception.

Your racist allegations are laughable. If I were a racist I would believe in property rights only for a preferred race, rather than all humans. You try so hard. I suggest more exercise to get a little oxygen flowing to your brain. You might pick up those dirty socks over there in the corner too before mom gets mad and turns the internet off again.