Upstate NY Outdoor Bagseed, one huge sativa and several other mixed babes!!!


Well-Known Member
These ladies were started from mixed bagseed kept over the last few years, two are from a bag of diesel. There is one HUGE sativa dominant and the rest look hybrid. All in 5 gallon pots, soil is a mix of several types with blood and bonemeal. Used MG rose food for veg and using Advanced Nutrients Big Bud now for, well budding! Missing pics of a few, just didn't feel like traveling to their stealth sites. These pics were taken in July just before budding began.



Well-Known Member
Here are the same plants budding, the sativa is over seven feet tall, she is a slow go. The rest are coming along nicely. These were taken just before the sun hit them, was doing maintenance with bamboo to help them since they are top heavy when wet. Picked off a few slugs and leaf-hoppers. Two days before this pic they got a full strenght dose of Adv. Nutrients BIG BUD. Whaddaya think? Hope the sativa finishes, she looks to have mexican lineage.


Well-Known Member
Wow - those babies are looking pretty healthy. Looking forward to seeing some buds - will come soon now ;O)


Well-Known Member
Here are some updated pics, went out in the morning after a watering yesterday. The sativa is ridiculously tall, buds are taking their sweet time though. The rest are doing well, should finish second week of october hoping!! The buds are getting good pistil growth and starting to fill in, they started sometime recently, at least two weeks I think??



Well-Known Member
Updated photos shot today about 230pm. Lots of trichomes, buds filling in. The sativa is taking her sweet ass time. So is one diesel. Left out two pics of other plants. What do you guys think? Rep?? All bagseed hoes!! Using Big Bud from Advanced Nutrients.



Well-Known Member
100_0555.jpg100_0554.jpgTwo b100_0552.jpgagseed stealth plants. Using 5 gallon bucket for bigger plant, 3.5 gallon for smaller hoe. Using BIG BUD from advanced nutrients, working well!!100_0556.jpg


Well-Known Member
Please everyone tell me how they look!! I comment all the time on everyone else's posts, give me some love.


Well-Known Member
very impressed, used to do outside grows in upstate NY, these are nice looking girls
you live or die by the whims of the weather up here, you seem to have hit a good year for outside
September is the make or break month, good September, good harvest


Well-Known Member
Thanks fellow tokers. I am going to get some closeup bud shots later today. Will post. BTW, took a few early nugs, used the toaster drying method. I am ripped off the bottom shoot nugs. Nice heady high, it is the purple/orangeish plant. Still very early and I'm high as a kite. Look forward to the finished product.