Urine Drug Test....can I get clean without cheating the test?


Well-Known Member
I have been a heavy user for the last 10 years, 2-3 times EVERYDAY. (Morning, afternoon, and evening). I am 5ft 9" and weigh 225lbs. I have been clean for 32 days. My test is coming up in about 3 days. Some things I have been doing are cardio 3-4 times a week followed by sauna for 15-20 minutes each time. I also took a 7-day detox and have been drinking about a gallon of water each day. My diet has been on and off healthy. Oatmeal for breakfast every morning. I have bought two store tests the last one about 2 days ago and each time I passed but the line is very very faint which is causing me to stress. What is your opinion that I can pass the test at the lab? I was thinking of doing the certo method along with creatine supplement, asprin and tums/rolaids.
I really hope so.....The store bought tests the line shows that I pass but its extremely faint and that is what has me worried. Anyone have any experience with how accurate those are in comparison to what the lab tests? I really wish I could just toke up and make this stress go away. Once I pass Im gonna get super loaded its gonna be great!
You'll be fine. I have smoked THE DAY BEFORE a piss test, drank a ton of water and was good to go. Actually, a trick an old stoner told me about was to get one of those frozen minute maid orange juice concentrates, make that into the 32 oz of OJ the morning of the test, drink it, and then grab yourself a bottle of water and keep drinking up until the test. Worked for me on more than one occasion.
from a recent study, odds are in your favor, good luck

"This study aimed at examining the mean elimination of Carboxy-THC in 37 chronic users undergoing voluntary abstinence over a 2-week period. Urine specimens were collected prior to the study and after 1 and 2 weeks of abstinence. Carboxy-THC levels in urine were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) following alkaline hydrolysis, organic solvent extraction and derivatisation to form its pentafluoropropionic derivative. The creatinine-normalised Carboxy-THC concentrations declined rapidly over the 2 weeks of abstinence period and the majority of chronic cannabis users (73 %) reduced their urinary Carboxy-THC levels to below the 15-μg/L confirmatory cutoff within that time. The study further highlights the value of historical urinary Carboxy-TH"
If u have a faint line and drink 2-3litres of water after your last piss but half hour before the test ur passed easy..
Been doing it for 8 yrs
Should have just bought a Wizzinator would have saved you a lot of time with you could still be smoking weed. That's my plan if I ever need to piss but I'm a cool employer I blaze on the job.
All good suggestions, add say 6 B-Complex to color your urine AND make SURE you are not losing weight the day of the test! You should be good and the store bought tests are close enough as long as they are not out of their expiration date AND you're not taking a DOT or other specialty test.
I do two things the day of the test:
1) Drink a ton of water.
2) Stink up my pee by eating a tuna sandwich & wash it down with black coffee.
It's hard for them to say my pee is watered down if it reeks!
Thanks everyone! I'm going Friday to take the test I'll let everyone know how it goes! I like that idea of stinking up the piss that's funny. Maybe I'll be sure to eat some asparagus that day with lunch.
Thanks everyone! I'm going Friday to take the test I'll let everyone know how it goes! I like that idea of stinking up the piss that's funny. Maybe I'll be sure to eat some asparagus that day with lunch.
buy i piss test a pharmacy if you wanna see where you stand ..nothing comes up you should be fine
buy i piss test a pharmacy if you wanna see where you stand ..nothing comes up you should be fine

I have take 2 so far, the line that passes me is showing it is just barely visible and that's what has me concerned in comparison to what the lab will see. I don't want them sending my into the lab for further testing.

I bought another one today from the local smoke shop I'm going to test myself first thing in the morning and if I still pass with that then I'm pretty confident going into Friday.
I have take 2 so far, the line that passes me is showing it is just barely visible and that's what has me concerned in comparison to what the lab will see. I don't want them sending my into the lab for further testing.

I bought another one today from the local smoke shop I'm going to test myself first thing in the morning and if I still pass with that then I'm pretty confident going into Friday.
1st piss of the day is the dirty one if that pisses u will be fine
I would copy paste my usual post.

But i was just gonna say.
I documented a ua here..ive passed ~40 hrs after smoking half a gram of dank and did nothing extraordinary
I smoke 1-2 grams a day- med user
just wanted to give everyone an update....

I got my results back today and tested negative for everything. It did say the sample was diluted but I got emails from my new employer to fill out I-9/W-4 etc. So looks like i passed and I'm sure they didn't read the test in detail, probably just saw I met their requirements and decided that it was good to go. I'll let everyone know if they ask me to test again because of the diluted sample. Hopefully they don't and I should be good even if they do. I'll be waiting a few weeks into starting the new job before I risk toking up.