USA-Best States for OUTDOOR GROWS?


Well-Known Member
As an Englishman I feel considerable envy when I watch YOUTUBE vids of wonderful looking outdoor grows (usually in America).
Durban is supposed to grow outdoors in the UK climate - but, in my experience, it doesn't do that great.
In fact I have never, in 25 years of loving everything about cannabis, ever had a UK grown, outdoor strain, that even managed to be AVERAGE QUALITY SMOKE.
Window Ledge Wank would be a fitting description.

In America I have read about KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS and I've seen back yards in Northern California that look fantastic!
Arizona and New Mexico also seem to bring out some amazing outdoor plots.....



Well-Known Member
I would venture to guess ;
Mendocino county above 1200 ft cuz your above the fog and NoRth enough that sativas do awesome .
The four corners area has been great but the frosts roll in early...
the moral is greenhouses help no matter where you are.
And all the true traditional growing belts may have too many pests to turn out grade a ganja


Well-Known Member
Outdoors it will grow just about anywhere.

The problem with England and Europe is it so far north. In the USA we simply have better latitude and sun angle.

IAC, best, to me, has to include the Local Law. 2 States now, it is legal. You would think the restrictions on growing would be less. But, the only reason they allow it is Tax revenue. And it is big business lobby now, against the small growers with no funds to Play Politics.

Some States, still, it would be as bad as England if our Constitution allowed whole house IR detection from the air. It does not, but they have active surveillance for outdoor grows.

BTW, the largest self contained pot market is suppose to be Nashville.
It is all grown in the woods and sold locally.

Remember, we are a Republic of semi-independent States. Self rules says, even a town can ban something legal elsewhere.


New Member
northeast US isnt bad. you get a very distinct season from about march-october.

just need to find a strain that does good in northeast lol.. had tons of bad luck last few years now I force flower. as early as possible . and putem out 3 weeks into flower.. works great


Well-Known Member
As an Englishman I feel considerable envy when I watch YOUTUBE vids of wonderful looking outdoor grows (usually in America).
Durban is supposed to grow outdoors in the UK climate - but, in my experience, it doesn't do that great.
In fact I have never, in 25 years of loving everything about cannabis, ever had a UK grown, outdoor strain, that even managed to be AVERAGE QUALITY SMOKE.
Window Ledge Wank would be a fitting description.

In America I have read about KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS and I've seen back yards in Northern California that look fantastic!
Arizona and New Mexico also seem to bring out some amazing outdoor plots.....

You can do this just as well in the UK, you just got to find the strain ( ) and the location, bear in mind the UK is not the best latitude and wet with most rain coming in of the atlantic


Well-Known Member
Id say anywear on the southern side of the corn belt would work just fine except the states that border the ochens to much humidity

Hawaii is nice to


Well-Known Member
You can do this just as well in the UK, you just got to find the strain ( ) and the location, bear in mind the UK is not the best latitude and wet with most rain coming in of the atlantic
I doubt I'll have the time to do it, this year, but I'll scout out locations.

I'd want to start off Durban Poison seeds (Durban is a similar distance from the equator as Central Britain (Northern England) under a T5 then transplant them to small pots (in late February).
By mid March I want 24 of them in the greenhouse - a pot bellied, log burning stove is expensive (yuppies like them as garden ornaments) but I could make something out of a *metal drum and metal or ceramic pipe (chimney) that would create enough gentle warmth to keep any late frosts at bay. *By 'metal drum' I don't mean something that's 210 litre sized - I mean the size of 'drum' that is about 24 - 30" high.

I may experiment with some kind of 'under floor heating' system...?
Thin metal pipes resting 1mm below the surface and some linoleum spread out as a floor, above it.
A metal drum, on its side, and resting in a hollow so that 45% of it is below floor level.
I'd have to research/experiment to find out the best way to conduct heat throughout the area.
But, as the area would only be something like 6' x 8', it should be doable....?

As soon as I felt confident that the frosts were over and the weather would support them, I would take half the plants (up to 12 of them) to their prepared spots in the great outdoors.

The rules I would follow:

*No more than 2 plants to any ONE SPOT.
*Must be out of sight
*Must be reasonably close to reach
(a few weeks back one RIU member was talking about his plants being a 'half days hike away from civilisation....'. Which I found insanely impractical!).
*Must be close to a source of water
(water is heavy AND it would provoke curiosity if I was seen carrying a 25lt container of liquid with me into a forest).
*Must not be shielded from sunlight
*Must be shielded from too much exposure to people
*Must be in a place where a man walking a dog would not seem peculiar
*Must not be in a place where lots of men walk their dogs

The other half of the plants (12) would stay in the greenhouse.
Any males would be killed as soon as recognised to be so (indoors and out).
If the greenhouse started to become too crowded I would remove some plants
- the ones I considered the weakest would go first.


Active Member
mostly any state in the US produces some great outdoor canabis. the ganja revolution has hit big everywhere any small po-dink hick town to all the cities. obviously certain areas are known for the better product and some is based on the fact they have had more leniant laws longer and have been getting things done right. but the fact is in circles just about everywhere across all states people are pulling in better and better crops outdoors and it will continue to keep getting better i should believe.

i live in the northeast 20 yrs ago we bought compressed mexican unless you grew your own, in the last ten it has disappeared and the herb is mostly local grown outdoor in the fall and a mix of local indoor and canadian junk in the late spring early summer. and is is mostly good. this is just not here, good smoke is grown in every state some obviously have things easier and better seasons to deal with but quality cn be found in many places.


Well-Known Member
Kentucky. Believe it or not.
Yeah you guys have that naturally rich ass soil for outdoors.
Tennessee all day!! from end of april - oct
End of Feb or March if you play your cards right.
Take a plastic 2 or 3 liter bottle
Cut the top off
Place it over plant
Bam mini greenhouse
Did it as an experiment late Feb last year with various bag seed that were literally plucked from an ashtray.
They withstood quite a few 35 degree nights outside and it kept frost off them as well. They were slow to grow but by the time mid april hit they were at 4-6 nodes.
Humidity + Clay is our handicap eh Lemon?


Active Member
I heard you can acclimate a strain for your environment if you breed outdoors. By 2-3 seasons you will have an acclimated strain that is more resilient and better suited for your environment.


Well-Known Member
Northern New England aint too bad even up in Canada them boys grow some nice buds but of course the south is better California almost the best and Hawaii would have to be the best hands down. I'd go to check out the laws a foreigner will probably get fucked a lot harder by the judge and most of the south is pretty fucked for weed laws.