Use GH pH kit test soil?

Saint Skinny

Active Member
My partner (which I don't recommend partnering up by the way... Like ever) put the girls into 5 gal buckets with his layered soil setup ( from top down: potting soil, peat, compost and rocks for draining) without so much as running it by me first. What's done is done, and he said that he has done this exact same thing many times with excellent results....

They've been in the buckets for a little over a week, and they are all sorts of stressed out. I can't identify one particular nutrient deficiency or toxicity, which makes me think the pH might be off, possibly locking up a few things.
Before they were transplanted from Dixie cups into the buckets, they were looking vibrant and healthy. Now that isn't the case at all
I don't have a soil pH tester, but I do have a Milwaukee pH pen, and the general hydroponics pH kit. I was wondering how I could use the General hydroponics pH kit to test the pH of my soil. The water that we use is pretty high pH as well, so should I use distilled? Or can I compensate for it somehow using math?

Any help would be appreciated guys, thanks in advance!
I would use distilled water and check the runoff. This will not give you an exact reading, but will give you a ballpark idea. Did you mix any perlite or anything to improve aeration?