useing the areogarden to grow a mother?


Hey everybody very new to this site and have been a long time smoker for years and just recently realized that I have been an idiot buying crap weed when i can grow my own personal stuff lol!

So heres what I got so far I have a areo garden elite, a 32x32x75 grow tent which is going in my closet and im going to invest in a 400 watt hps or led for the tent and as for seeds i have afghan kush special from world of seeds big bang from green house and 60 day auto lemon from dna genetics. Ok so heres what im thinking of doing, im gonna use the areogarden to grow a mother plant and take clippings from her and put them in my grow tent in my closet and try a SOG grow! Im trying to figure out if i should try soil or hydro for my first grow and basically if anybody sees major stupid flaws in my plan lol!

Im leaning more toward soil but i want to do the best i can for my first grow so im open to any suggestions about what soil to use what nutrients work the best and even what strain would be the easiest for a first time grow with what i have! im also wondering about what people have used for lights and if leds or reg lights would be better! lol even how many plants i could put in my grow tent would be awesome too lol! I have been reading everything under the sun and this site is very good for info im just looking for some info from personal expertise because i find experience is key to everything and i have none lol so im looking to learn from the pros whick everybody is to me lol!! Thx again for any help or info!!!
Better off using a rubbermade bin to make your own bubbler. Aerogardens work but roots tend to get pretty cramped although it can be done if you really want to :)
i just was going to use the aerogarden because i already had one but the bubbler is def an idea thx! Any ideas or hints are welcome! Im thinking of buying a led grow light anybody use one?