Using Baking Soda to Raise Ph

The ph of my water is right around 7
after i add the miracle grow the ph is lowered down to about 5, 5.5
i am wanting to bring it back up and i herd i could use baking soda, anyone have experience with this? and what are the measurements (how much baking soda would i use pr litre?) :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
baking soda works, but is not the best method, plants dont like sodium. Granted a little goes a long ways. Probably be no harm from using it. I would just water with the 5.5 and call it good. You mentioned MG so I am guessing soil. Soil is a hell of a buffer 5.5 is not going to hurt anything. If you are that concerned with ph use less MG next time or get some PH up. Its cheap and lasts a along time. You can just add tap water for your ph up.


Well-Known Member
like wiseguy316 said. add tap water, that'll bring it back up. Just add small amounts until you get up to a number you like. You can always pour a little out of your bucket to add more water. If you add to much baking soda or ph up, then you have to bring it back down again and keep going back and forth.