Using Colcemid to induce polyploidy in Cannabis


Active Member
I got a hold of some Colcemid (substancer similar to, but less toxic than colchicine). It´s used to arrest cells in metaphase by inhitbiting spindle formation (same as colchicine). This is done to examine the chromosomes and make karyotypes.

Would I be able to use this stuff to make tetraploid cannabis plants? How would I go about doing that? What about tetraploid chili pepper plants?


Well-Known Member
I believe it's a horrible idea.
Also the chances that you'll get a phenotype that is desirable, are rediculously small.
If experimenting on cannabis, it's just not worth the money unless you have tens of thousands of seeds of one strain to dispose of.

Seriously bad idea.

I don't know about chili, go ahead and try, but remember your messing with poisons. And playing god.

Just stick the shit in the ground and smoke it, sheesh.