Using exhale c02 bags need advice please


Well-Known Member
Using 2 exhale c02 bags nd ppm is fluxuating between 1200ppm and when everyone is home 3500ppm in my flower space. Not sure if this is good or bad I know too much is bad but the 3500ppm doesnt last it just goes up then back down to about 14-1500ppm but only when everyone is home shen nobody is at the house the flux is from 900ppm-1300ppm. Have an autopilot master controller with ppm meter/photocell/temp and rh% it is calabrated and accurate. So any ideas? Thanks
i find it hard to believe 2 bags would get to 3500 unless you are in a tiny sealed area.

did you calibrate it outside? it should be around 400ppm give or take
Its in a tiny sealed in area and it was calibrated correctly outside like the instructions instructed to do. Its an autopilot master controller. Supposedly 1 bag is sufficient for a 4x4 area and they are not that exspensive so I order 2 as the co2 gen can get costly with propane (grill size containers i think they are 20 or 25 lbs) either way took out the co2 gen also was creating too much heat, its a 4 burner c02 generator, and replaced with the bags to monitor for a month and it fluxuated between 1200 and 3500 I thought it was a bit much myself I was happy at 1200ppm and never below 1100 unless everyone is gone bags are supposed to be good for 3 months. I'm just generally concerned if the levels are that high that not only is it detrimental to my harvest but firstly to everyone in the house if the room is left open. I used the sensor to check around different parts of the house for a few days and everywhere I checked was under 500. I bring outside air into this room as well and i have heard as long as ur air exchange is once every few minutes of fresh outside air u dont have to supplement c02 because the outside air has enough to supplement the plants also only using a 600w hps and I think I probly don't even need the extra c02 from the bags as it is because the plants are probably not at their light saturation point to where they need the extra c02 to process more light.