using fluorescents


Active Member
In the flowering process does a hps light produce better buds and produce higher yields than a ordinary fluorescent light?

Using a hps light costs about $2.28 per hour and a fluorescent light costs a fraction of that, are you saving money or are you just cutting corners when it comes to your bud?


Well-Known Member
You can stack the shit out of some cfl bulbs and it appears some folks come up with some decent grows..... just got to be creative in building something to hold them all, or get one of those vanity plates and wire them up.


Active Member
I'm on my first grow but this is the box I built with all flouro's and it seems to be working quite well. I think the key with flouro's is to have a good lighting plan. Since they don't penetrate canopys like the higher powered lights you have to have them better positioned. I just liked building the light box:)



Well-Known Member
Nice setup, but you are wasting a ton of light with those tubes below the pots like that. Raise them 4 inches and use that extra bit of light.