Using food coloring to color buds...


Well-Known Member
so im lit and just got to the thinking.....know dont ridicule me...but what this be possible...i mean since food coloring is pretty much harmless...i dont know the exact make up of it you think you could use it in the last days of flowering with the flushes to maybe color your babes somewhat?...without hurting them are taking away or degrading trich's?...i dunno...just another stoned thought....please feel free to input....


Well-Known Member
This has been discussed and experimented in within a previous thread. Somebody tried it, successfully coloring their bud blue. Visually, it was pleasing. However, he said that it tasted like shit.



Well-Known Member
I tried blueberry poof drops today and they tasted like shit.....a big nasty blueberry smoky turd taste to be exact....I imagine food coloring same way...