Using my chiney to vent heat?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of extracting the heat from my grow room into my chimney stack, will this cause any problems



stays relevant.
That's fine. I recommend if you are able to do that / fortunate enough to have a chimney (something a lot of place here in my part of SoCal dont have) vent through that sucker...

Hot air looks much less suspicious coming out of a chimney if FLIR detected... also, the height of the chimney is going to put any bizarre odors far above reach of anyones nose. In fact, you probably wont even need a filter if your space is pretty air tight.


Well-Known Member
some water heaters and furnaces have whats called cold air exhaust, meaning they draw in cold air and blow the cold air and the exhaust out, i'd just make sure nothing connected to the chimney would have a blower that would force exhaust fumes back into your grow room or make sure your vent fan is stronger.


Well-Known Member
Well im planning on building my new grow room in my atic/loft and my chiney, which is not a shared 1 with your neighbour, is in the perfect position to do this, and the FLIR not being able to detect it gave me the idea

The grow room is going to br about 8x8 and in the middle of a pitched roof, it will be fully insulated, i remember reading one of the fans has to be more powerfull than the other is that right and which one? the extractor or the intake fan

Can i just have the 2 intake and extractor fans and maybe a couple of osilating fans?