Using potatoes to catch gnat larvae


Well-Known Member
I am placing potato slices on the soil surface to hopefully draw them in. I will leave them there for 4 hours. Then I will pick them up and throw them out.
The theory is that the potatoes will attract the larvae then I can get rid of them.
I placed them at 10:30am I will check at 2:30pm. I will post my findings.

I have also tried apple cider vinegar with dish soap. I didn't document it. It didn't work. But I will try that as now as well.
And I will post that here too.

I just want to show people if these remedys actually work.
4 hour updated no larvae on the potatoes. And nothing in the apple cider vinegar and dish soap.
I did squish an adult gnat on one of the potato slices.
I will check again in a few hours.
Just get something designed to kill fungus gnats.

Mosquito dunks

They are proven to work the best.

Flying gnats are never your problem!!

It’s larvae that need to be eradicated as they eat the tiny root hairs your roots are growing.
I'm try to keep everything organic and stay away from chemicals. I haven't done enough research on those products to try them yet.
I've added nematodes for gnats. Had to order them no stores near me keep those ones. All they had were the nematodes for grubs.

Does anyone else out the have natural or organic methods. I will try them and post my findings
ive heard 3 parts water one part h202 will kill the gnat larvae but i have earthworms in my soil so idk if i should do that my compost outside has caused my
recycled soil to be filled with them.
I've added nematodes for gnats. Had to order them no stores near me keep those ones. All they had were the nematodes for grubs.

Does anyone else out the have natural or organic methods. I will try them and post my findings
a sprinkling layer of diatomaceous earth also works well