Using Powerful Fluorescents in Veg


Active Member
Here are the very high output fluorescents that WTF uses in his stinkbud journal (both vegging and cloning)

Compared to a 400w MH that puts out say 38,000 lumens, it doesn't seem that great.

BUT, the fluorescents can be much closer to the plants. I've heard even if they touch the plants, the plants will usually be ok!

What do you guys think about this fluorescent system? Will results be noticeably worse with it?


Active Member
PL-L bulbs get pretty hot, and the U-shape makes it difficult to find an efficient reflector system.
T5HO fixtures have very similar lumen output, but are linear tubes and can get far more light to the plant. Check those out instead.

I have PL-L fixtures and they are pretty good for fluoro's, but my T5HOs are superior hands-down


Well-Known Member
Here are the very high output fluorescents that WTF uses in his stinkbud journal (both vegging and cloning)

Compared to a 400w MH that puts out say 38,000 lumens, it doesn't seem that great.

BUT, the fluorescents can be much closer to the plants. I've heard even if they touch the plants, the plants will usually be ok!

What do you guys think about this fluorescent system? Will results be noticeably worse with it?
I vegg with T5's, with no problems.
A T5 bulb will burn a plants leaf if it touches the bulb.
I keep the bulbs about an inch away from the tips of the leaves.

I wouldn't worry so much about lighting when in vegg.
Temperature, humidity, good soil, excellent drainage, and the proportionate sized pot are the things you should be concentrating on.

When in vegg, your trying to make the roots as strong as you can.
So when you introduce your plants to a rigorous flowering cycle with a HID lighting, minerals, and possibly Co2.
Your plant will concentrate on making bud.

Strong roots is what makes really good bud.
You can have a great light, but if you don't have a strong root system
then your plant won't be growing to it's fullest potential.


Active Member
I vegg with T5's, with no problems.
A T5 bulb will burn a plants leaf if it touches the bulb.
I keep the bulbs about an inch away from the tips of the leaves.

I wouldn't worry so much about lighting when in vegg.
Temperature, humidity, good soil, excellent drainage, and the proportionate sized pot are the things you should be concentrating on.

When in vegg, your trying to make the roots as strong as you can.
So when you introduce your plants to a rigorous flowering cycle with a HID lighting, minerals, and possibly Co2.
Your plant will concentrate on making bud.

Strong roots is what makes really good bud.
You can have a great light, but if you don't have a strong root system
then your plant won't be growing to it's fullest potential.
I honestly don't know how you guys do it. I used an 8-bulb, 4ft T5HO fixture for vegging and I couldn't keep it closer than 10 inches from the tops...the bulbs were pretty hot...How are these running cool for everyone else? In a room where the ambient temp is 72*F, it goes up to 95*F when the lights are on, and that's with a fan blowing in the room.:wall:

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
I vegg with T5's, with no problems.
A T5 bulb will burn a plants leaf if it touches the bulb.
I keep the bulbs about an inch away from the tips of the leaves.

I wouldn't worry so much about lighting when in vegg.
Temperature, humidity, good soil, excellent drainage, and the proportionate sized pot are the things you should be concentrating on.

When in vegg, your trying to make the roots as strong as you can.
So when you introduce your plants to a rigorous flowering cycle with a HID lighting, minerals, and possibly Co2.
Your plant will concentrate on making bud.

Strong roots is what makes really good bud.
You can have a great light, but if you don't have a strong root system
then your plant won't be growing to it's fullest potential.

I couldn't agree more. I used to veg under my 400w MH (on 24/0) but thanks to what I've been learning here in the forums I've taken to doing it under flouros (on 20/4) for the first 2 to 3 weeks before moving them under the big light (for another 3 to 4 weeks of veg on 20/4).

I'm getting much better plants (better root system, closer node spacing, etc.) which has resulted in better yields (with less electricity used).


Jack in the Bud

Active Member
I honestly don't know how you guys do it. I used an 8-bulb, 4ft T5HO fixture for vegging and I couldn't keep it closer than 10 inches from the tops...the bulbs were pretty hot...How are these running cool for everyone else? In a room where the ambient temp is 72*F, it goes up to 95*F when the lights are on, and that's with a fan blowing in the room.:wall:

That does sound like and unusual heat build up problem from using a flourescent fixture. Sounds to me like you might need to rig up some kind of exhaust system that will pull air thru the space.

I ended up putting a bathroom "fart fan" (Home Depot, $110) in the ceiling of my closet to deal with the heat build up(especially in the summer) generated by my 400w MH. I've currently got it wired thru a timer that I can keep adjusting (depending on the time of year and the outside temp) to try and keep the space between 70 and 80 F. I believe my next improvement is going to be to get it hooked to a simple thermostat I can set to just have it come on when the temp rises to a pre set point.
