Using sun and cfl to flower +REP


Active Member
is it possible to flower my plants using the sun during the day and bring it in under cfls for the rest of the 12hrs then leave indoors for dark period and repeat. the reason i ask is because the sun provided more lumens than my cfls atm and i want to get the best possible results


Active Member
no one will see it, its in the backyard too low for anyone to see, i just want to know if its possible to use the sun as my light period and bring it indoors for dark period


Active Member
I don't see why not it's just not going to be as consistent (think about a rainy day...). More power to you for using the sun's energy if you can make it work


Active Member
well day by day i'll decide what would provide more lumens today's sun or my cfls and thats were i put it


Ecro, good to see someone not running up a bill if not necessary, it's just a weed. I have been utilising CFL/SUN for sometime. I've only used this method for vegging, but I just use the lights at night to trick it into staying vegged, I use approx. 150watts at night of 6500deg until morning. The method you are speaking of is tedious and sometimes impractical, not to mention the whole keep outside soils outside rule. The way I overcome that is treating the root zone with a mixture of neem oil and dr. brohner's castile soap. a cap full of each in 32-33fl.oz. of water. Works wonders, other than that, I hear there is reason to treat mites by root treating but haven't heard a scientific response concerning that yet. Yeah I'm in the middle of that now actually because it's getting colder and I want to bring in my plants from outdoors to finish them out strong this year indoor by the windows. Again, in and out is tedious, waking up with the sun and bringing them in around nightfall, not as fun as it may sound, especially if you have a life. As I do, not practical.


Active Member
thanks buddy, well the task is considerably easy since i only have 2 plants at a reasonable size so its not too much of a hassle. they are in a grow box with a timer so the light scheduled is not affected but if i wake up and the sun is shinning bright i take it outside and turn the lights off for the day. so hopefully it grows strong and provides nice buds thank you to all who responded +rep


The problem with that is you must resolve the soil/pest situation (eventually maybe). But if you are willing to live with this, it's cool. The next issue is that they'll want sun more than the box, your new primary source of light should be the sun, not the cfls. Otherwise they kinda lack. Just don't be afraid of a longer flowering period. There is all sorts of factors changing that the plant may adapt to, wind, temp., humidity changes, you CANNOT just put them outside back and forth. They have to harden off too, I'm sure you knew that already. Proper hardening takes about a week. Then again, there is no real way to proper harden, I usually do it in a day if I have to. Leave it out in the early morning until the outside temp. tops your regular temp (Relative humidity plays a large role in this too), then once it starts looking weathered, bring it in until it looks spry again. This takes me about an hour or two. Then put it back out but in the shade during the hottest part of the day, then when it starts to cool off put it in direct sunlight until nightfall, tomorrow, just leave it in the shaded high noon area all day and a week later full sun. You really just have to keep up on it and make sure you didn't give it too much sun. When it's hardened off, you may as well leave it outside, man. I keep my plants inside so they receive the sun at the window (full) and stay cool and easy to manage in my a/c, way less pests. Some people can't do this I understand. Do what you must, take care.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i have to do this the next couple days i have an apt fire people coming for the second time and this time is to fix stuff i guess idk but i have a sprinkler head in my damn closet so i have to move my girls outside for the days good thing there not big at all and my other plants will keep my lady stealth