Using Swamp Water


Well-Known Member
no, actually i use water from a source thats really dirty. It actually is very good for the plants because it has a lot of nutrients. My plants are 3 feet tall already.


Well-Known Member
Will this effect the taste of the bud? ie. that rotten egg taste.

That "egg" smell is sulphur, and pot uses it...... check the PH if you can...
I read somewhere that runoff from forest floor (pine needles..etc) can be a N problem... but I'm not up on that topic....


Well-Known Member
Will this effect the taste of the bud? ie. that rotten egg taste.
if that were the case then a lot of peoples weed would taste like bat shit or rotten fish or blood or seaweed etc, etc.
Go ahead and use it, long as the PH is OK.


Well-Known Member
ya i guess thats true, now that u said somethin about that, the organisms in the water would benefit the plant in some way, but im sure there is a down side to using it, go ahead and do it, id do it with just a couple plants, just to see what would happen, im interested on how much it would do.